Alabama Supreme Court chief justice spreads Christian nationalist rhetoric on QAnon conspiracy theorist's show to – 383 points –
Alabama Supreme Court chief justice spreads Christian nationalist rhetoric on QAnon conspiracy theorist's show

Chief Justice Tom Parker’s recent concurring opinion in a case granting rights to embryos drew criticism for invoking religious language

During a recent interview on the program of self-proclaimed “prophet” and QAnon conspiracy theorist Johnny Enlow, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Parker indicated that he is a proponent of the “Seven Mountain Mandate,” a theological approach that calls on Christians to impose fundamentalist values on all aspects of American life.

Enlow is a pro-Trump “prophet” and leading proponent of the “Seven Mountain Mandate,” a “quasi-biblical blueprint for theocracy” that asserts that Christians must impose fundamentalist values on American society by conquering the “seven mountains” of cultural influence in U.S. life: government, education, media, religion, family, business, and entertainment.

Enlow has also repeatedly pushed the QAnon conspiracy theory, sometimes even connecting it to the Seven Mountain Mandate. Per Right Wing Watch, Enlow has claimed that world leaders are “satanic” pedophiles who “steal blood” and “do sacrifices” and that “there is presently no real democracy on the planet” because over 90 percent of world leaders are involved in pedophilia and are being blackmailed.

On February 16, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are people, with the same rights as living children, and that a person can be held liable for destroying them, imperiling in vitro fertilization treatment in the state. In a concurring opinion, Parker quoted the Bible, suggested that Alabama had adopted a “theologically based view of the sanctity of life,” and said that “human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God.”


What in the fuck is happening in this country?!

If motherfuckers aren't scared shitless by this (even Christians, because this asshole is talking about imposing HIS brand of Christianity, can't wait to see what they do to the Mormons) then we are all going to get what they deserve.

then we are all going to get what they deserve.

That's the rub, isn't it? We want a society where these people have a chance to make amends and become better people, and they want a society that kills anyone who exhibits WrongThink and doesn't submit to NeoChristian Theocracy. If anyone deserves the suffering they want to dish out, it's them, the only people who want to dish it out.

Also, we should be calling them NeoChristians because the embrace of Trump is absolutely a new depth of depravity from these people and we should be demarking the point when they simply went from classic "mildly racist Grandma Christian" to "full-blown Nazi 'lets gas the Jews' Christian."

Like if they can't see they've embraced a man who fits every description of the fucking Anti-Christ, they've failed to see that they've fully rounded the bend and become the very thing their stupid shit "holy book" warned against.

I guess the future of the United States is one where there are certain states that will become big Christian theocracies. And for some reason we’ll just let it happen because our current Supreme Court is bent on supporting this. It’s sad, but I’m really hoping most states can remain sane because the current ones going this way are ones I am not surprised about (Texas, Alabama, etc)

The Supreme Court has been captured by a handful of ideological billionaires. Turns out it’s relatively easy and cheap (if you’re a billionaire) to own a Supreme Court justice. All it took was a few free vacations and scraps from the table to own half the court.

Alabama has been a socially failed state since reconstruction. I don’t know why anyone would willingly live there.

I mean, it helps when people like Clearance Thomas are actively advertising that they're ready to sell out to hurt people.

"The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years," a former clerk remembered Thomas – who was 43 years old when confirmed – saying, according to The New York Times. "And I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years."

Thomas was always this guy. People should have fucking believed Anita Hill.

Anyway, nobody had to pay Clearance Thomas to be a giant piece of shit, he was already, taking bribes is just the cherry on top for him.

I don’t know why anyone would willingly live there.

As a fairly far-left liberal, I'll tell you why I recently moved there. The government and contractor jobs are booming and it's way cheaper than most places in the country, given how good the job market is.

I hate the social environment here, but it's giving my family the financial freedom to live a good life. I really really wish Democrat cities could get their costs of living and housing markets under control, because I would have moved to Colorado, Washington, Oregon, or California so fast. But the calculations just didn't make sense.

I'll be voting for sure, because GA is evidence that a Republican state can be flipped when enough Democrats move to it and vote

this is why state-level land use and zoning laws are so important. take housing policy out off the hands of bored, retired, entitled millionaires and force cities to allow housing

It's all just going to fall apart to be honest. The SC approval ratings are at an all time low. We already have states actively ignoring rulings, like Hawaii. It's going to get really bad before it ever gets better.

we need to defund christian nationalist states, most will crumble without our subsidy

When Trump said "build the wall" I said hell no. Now I'm thinking maybe the wall was a good idea after all... but instead of the southern border, build it around the nutjob states like Texas!

Boom. Problem solved!

2 more...

Yanks went from fighting Taliban to becoming Taliban extremely fast.

I don't know, the whole "My God can beat up your God" while generally having similar beliefs is as old as religion.

I've honestly been waiting for the next Catholic church schism. We're close to having a North American Pope and two competing wings of the Catholic church.

So they should remove this guy from office for obvious mental health problems. And for the same reason review recent decisions.