Trump's lawyers seek to suspend $83M defamation verdict, citing 'strong probability' it won't stand to – 209 points –
Trump's lawyers seek to suspend $83M defamation verdict, citing 'strong probability' it won't stand

Donald Trump’s lawyers asked a New York judge Friday to suspend an $83.3 million defamation verdict against the former president, saying there was a “strong probability” that it would be reduced on appeal, if not eliminated.

The lawyers made the request in Manhattan federal court, where a civil jury in late January awarded the sum to advice columnist E. Jean Carroll after a five-day trial that focused only on damages. A judge had ordered the jury to accept the findings of another jury that last year concluded Trump sexually abused Carroll in 1996 and defamed her in 2022.

The second jury focused only on statements Trump made in 2019 while he was president in a case long delayed by appeals.


Increase it.

Motherfucker was defaming her again just last week at a rally in Michigan. 83m was obviously not punitive enough. Hope she sues him again.

She, through her lawyer, already announced they intend to, but as of earlier this week her lawyer said there wasn't quite enough as of yet.

Trump obviously won't leave it alone, though, so knowing her lawyer is looking for it means the next lawsuit is pending.

Doesn't defamation require damages? At this point how does Trump saying anything damage her more or less?

She can't have a normal life. She can't even get groceries be herself without being attacked

She's also not a "public person". She has more privacy rights because of it.

And no, she isn't just a "public person" because of the periodic defamation. No court would rule that breaking the law more reduces damages. (Maybe in Alabama?)

83^2^ sounds about right. And if they keep going, it keeps getting squared.

As much as I want trump to hurt, don't increase it.

For it to stick permanently, based on supreme Court case law, the amount needs to stay below a particular percentage. (I don't remember the specifics, legal eagle has a good video on this)

So if you wanna hurt the Cheeto, hope it stays below that amount.

Further, they don't have to increase it. Trump already opened his mouth again making disparaging remarks again after the verdict. He create grounds for a third civil suit. E. Jean Carroll can simply file suit for the third case and with a third verdict.

whelp... now it's squared again.

(I realize... it'll never happen, but seriously. fuck this guy and his delaying tactics.)

Isn’t she already suing him a third time?

Her lawyers said "we're watching, we're listening" - so, knowing he who cannot keep his trap shut, we just need to wait.

is 'strong probability' a legal argument? kinda feels like nonsense

They need to argue that to get them to suspend it pending appeal. They can't argue for a suspension otherwise. That will get denied, but they've gotta try.

I think this, just like his NY one, are desperate attempts because he doesn't have the money and cannot find anyone to cover a bond for him. He knows the next step is they start seizing assets, and that's when we find out how over leveraged he is on all his properties.

Just a question as a ignorant European. From what I understand he is now a convicted rapist, right? Does that mean he is entered in the sexual offenders database that you have in the states?

No, he was not actually convicted of rape in a criminal court.

So even though a judge has called him a rapist he is not "legally" a rapist as he has not been found guilty of the crime of rape.

Criminal court is where you go when a DA is brining charges against you. Civil court is the place where you and I would go to settle a lawsuit.

He is legally a rapist now. Adjudicated by the court.

Just not criminally. (Yet)

He was close to getting nailed for child rape but he threatened and intimidated the victim out of testifying and she disappeared.

Thank you for explaining it. I still find it weird how it works, but ok.

He was sued CIVILLY. if he is convicted CRIMINALLY then he'll be registered as a sex offender

Next week: Trump's lawyers say to judge, "Is defamation even really a crime? Can you stab someone with a defamation?"