Mexican president defends disclosing a reporter's phone number, saying the law doesn't apply to him to World – 432 points –
Mexican president defends disclosing a reporter's phone number, saying the law doesn't apply to him

Mexico’s president on Friday defended his decision to disclose a reporter’s telephone number, saying a law that prohibits officials from releasing personal information doesn’t apply to him.

Press freedom groups said the president’s decision to make public the phone number of a New York Times reporter Thursday was an attempt to punish critical reporting, and exposed the reporter to potential danger.

Mexico’s law on Protection of Personal Data states “the government will guarantee individuals’ privacy” and sets out punishments for officials and others for “improperly using, taking, publishing, hiding, altering or destroying, fully or partially, personal data.”


South of the Border Trump? Just another dollar store fascist.

He's not a fascist, far from it. He's just being stupid about this but he seems to be doing his job well otherwise.

He is definitely an authoritarian demagogue, so close to fascists, and about doing his job well... it depends of what you consider to be "his job".

I would know if he was an "authoritarian demagogue". I live here.

I have no opinion on the Mexican president, but I live in the States and there's about 70m people I could ask if Trump is an authoritarian or fascist and they'd say no. So simply living somewhere may not be the best barometer.

If you have any sources explaining how he has abused power to gain any sort of political advantage, please link it. Because all I see are clueless foreigners projecting their politics onto us based on a single article.

"President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that “the political and moral authority of the president of Mexico is above that law,” adding that “no law can be above the sublime principle of liberty.”"

And he's just stating his opinion. I'm asking how he has abused that power in office for anything other than his personal rift with the media, which is largely personal.

Edit: Still nothing? Not a single respectable answer has reached my inbox? But that hasn't stopped anyone from downvoting even if it's looking like a salt measure but not for me. lol Yeah, turns out that the article is a little biased and some may say a tad propagandist and y'all fell for it.

Doesn't that make it worse? If he abuses power for the good of the country, at least he has some principals. Abusing power to hurt people he's personally unhappy with is just childish.

You make a good point. He did not just say "I am above the law" (paraphrased). He used his power to directly hurt someone and doesn't want to take responsibility

Just because you live somewhere, doesn't mean you know AMLO any better than the next anonymous user. There are plenty of people who live in countries and aren't even aware of who their politicians or even PM or President is.

Why would something like that go unnoticed in my local political context in a country that practically lives online? And especially given that AMLO dominates the news? That's not the popular complaint. It's ridiculous.

Whatever you're implying about my country sounds a bit outdated if not uninformed. I know you may think we're a third-world country or whatever you want to call it but we're not that far behind you.

Yó también, amig@. De toda la puta vida.
La centralización de agencias gubernamentales, los milicos haciéndola de policía, sus ataques a instituciones diseñadas para fiscalizar el gobierno (INE e INT), La "aprobación" de proyectos como el chaifa y el tren maya por orden presidencial, brincándose las leyes que supuestamente regulan este tipo de proyectos son ejemplos de su autoritarismo, específicamente, el autoritarismo de morena que es el nuevo pri.

En cuanto a demagogo; Que no has visto las mañaneras?

Translation per Google Translate...

Me too, friend. For all my fucking life. The centralization of government agencies, the soldiers acting as police, their attacks on institutions designed to supervise the government (INE and INT), The “approval” of projects such as the chaifa and the Mayan train by presidential order, bypassing the laws that supposedly regulate These types of projects are examples of his authoritarianism, specifically, the morena authoritarianism that is the new PRI.

As for demagogue; Haven't you seen the mornings?

Hi, since you live there, would you please be willing to mention what you think this politician gets right, wrong and is mediocre about? I ask because of the user who claims you don't know what an authoritarian demagogue is.

Thanking you in advance, regardless of your decision.

I could and have many points in mind, and yet none of that is relevant to what we're discussing. If you think he's authoritarian and whatnot, I invite you to prove that point first, because I cannot prove a negative, but I can tell you that this is not how he handles policy or runs his government.

Thank you in advance, regardless of your decision.

Mexican president defends disclosing a reporter’s phone number, saying the law doesn’t apply to him.

I don't think he is. I don't think he isn't. I asked you for your perspective since you live there and felt strongly enough to post what you did. I guess whatever any outsiders think is of no consequence, since outsiders have no right to form any opinion on whatever happens to your country or people, since outsiders obviously have no influence on what they're governments do or what narratives we accept or reject.

I'm not asking you to not form an opinion. I'm telling you that you're concluded something about him as a whole based on a single story. You've already characterized him in a certain way based on this. Do you realize that? Because it seems that you don't.

Link to whatever else you think makes him a fascist. Please. Make your point.

What? I never did anything of the sort, mate*. Please check user names on comments.

Edited for autocorrect

Te downvotearon por ciego. Si realmente piensas que AMLO esta haciendo un gran trabajo, te invito a que te eduques, leas y te quites los lentes de color rosa. Ese tipo esta haciendo un cagadero ppr todos lados, y la gente decente que no se da cuenta son el problema mas grande.

Pasa las fuentes no tan amarillistas y hablamos.

Cancelo un aereopuerto contándonos a todos miles de millones de pesos de nuestros impuestos. Armó su gabinete rodeandose de un All-stars de los weyes mas corruptos del PRI y del Verde. Salió en pandemia a decirle a la gente que bastaba con sus estampitas de la virgen y desestimó las vacunas, tiene opiniones anticuadisimas hacia la tecnología renovable, etc etc. Esto es información pública.

Aquí no estamos hablando qué decisiones económicas ha tomado como presidente bajo un marco legal. Tampoco estamos hablando de qué es lo que pensamos sobre su gabinete, ni de qué opiniones malinformadas tiene sobre la preferencia a la religión sobre medicina establecida. Nada de eso se está discutiendo. Si vamos a hablar de esto, va a ser atinado y no lo que tú quieres que yo defienda. Porque en esos casos--legales--ahí vamos a salir más de acuerdo. Pero estamos hablando de cómo AMLO supuestamente ha abusado de su poder sintiéndose superior a la ley.

Y los de pedir fuentes de info, tiene varias funciones más que verificar info y es a lo que voy. Así que te pido respetar el tema y sustanciarlo, por favor.

Si estamos hablando de eso. El tipo es un pendejazo que ha tomado decisiones terribles, se ha rodeado de lacras, se codea con familiares del narco y se la vive haciendo cosas turbias (visitar Baridaguato seguido por ejemplo).

Tu quieres crear una distinción entre todo esto, como si no estuviera correlacionado o si no fuera la misma persona. Todo es parte de lo mismo, ponerte a distinguir entre una cosita y otra como si el mismo presidente compartamelizara su forma de actuar es una táctica demagogica y poco mas que eso.

No, amigo, para ti todo es lo mismo porque no te cae bien. Para mí puede o no caerme, y aún así puedo hacer la distinción.

Yo no estoy defendiéndolo porque estoy muy en contra de su opinión. Yo estoy resguardando a que estos gringos no empiecen con denigrar a nuestro presidente y por extensión a nuestro país por una nota chueca que agarró tracción y tiene similitudes con su propia política. Fácil pueden hacer la conexión que sinceramente no está ahí. Yo sé que no está ahí porque yo vivo esa política local y nadie habla de que abusa del poder. Sino al contrario, no lo ha hecho en los años que ha servido y ya va para afuera el viejo.

De lo que tú le estás acusando no hay nada y ya también busqué. Deja a un lado los sesgos y mira al panorama.

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The hypocrisy and irony here is dangerously concerning, imho. Yesterday (Feb. 24) the phone numbers of his son and some other of his allies (one of which is a candidate for this year's elections) were leaked. (Maybe as an act of revenge, in which I'm totally in favor off) Now, this POS and the others publicly denounced the act, and said that they are actively working on catch the actor, because him/she/they broke the law that protects the privacy of us, Mexicans. The (and i quote him) "Morality of (Mexican) president is above the law" thing is not just an stupid and authoritarian saying, it is a constant practice this abomination has been following since he was elected.

Sorry in advance if my comment wasn't properly formulated and (if) for the bad English. This is literally my first time commenting on Lemmy.

ETA: Corrected some misspellings.

These NYT pseudo-periodists really believe they are inmune and they can made up anything about anyone WO being touched.

Well, he's right. The only way to lead a country is to be immune from its laws during the term. Because literally any legislative action is pretty much illegal for mere mortals.

lol lol lol

“If I can convince some idiots that this is true for Mexico maybe some will believe the same for Trump”.