Postman alternatives? to – 119 points –

I would like to hear if any of you are using different app for API testing than Postman.

I’m not telling that Postman is bad, but maybe there’s all that I should check out. Recently I tried RapidApi and even tho the app is kinda cool I missed few options and went back to Postman for now.


I am a fan of Insomnia. As far as I can tell it has most of the features I used in postman without all the paid upgrade nags

Seconding Insomnia. Sleeker interface imo, only thing it’s lacking in feature parity afaik is the cookie sniffer, but you can grab what you need in postman or js console and then plug it into insomnia np.

Also, cURL :]

ducaale/xh is excellent for anybody that likes to use HTTP from a CLI.

Yep, these command line tools seems really cool!

When I was using GUI API Testing tools, I prefer using APIDog, their UI is much easier to use and I can easily migrate my Postman scripts.

Also a websocket test mode would be nice. It’s something I do miss from Postman

never heard about it. gonna give it a try for sure. thanks for the suggestion!

The one thing I find difficult in Insomnia is making the auth common across a group of requests. I end up duplicating existing requests which doesn't help if I need to update the process at all. Is there a way to use common auth routines yet?

Yeah it's called curl lol

No joke, I use curlie, .curlrc and a bunch of scripts

can you elaborate a bit on that ? I've only used curl from cli and never used .curlrc. and what's curlie ?

Curlie is a wrapper on curl that makes more ergonomic to use. I set path to cookie jar in .curlrc. I sync cookies from the browser.

Another vote for Insomnia here. I used to use Insomnia primarily until a lot of my work switched over to gRPC and I've found that Postman works a lot better for that. I still prefer Insomnia for the simple UX and speed, just wish it had better gRPC support.

I do have some bugs with Insomnia, for example with the oauth configuration failing. (I think it has something to do with some variable there failing) You can workaround that by just removing oauth, and configuring again, but its annowing.

I still like insomnia overall tho.

I completely stopped using all those clients. We now just store the requests alongside the code in an http file and use the built in IntelliJ HTTP Client to make the call. No need for a separate program, integrates with your code, you can save responses to make sure they don't change, it's all stored in git. There's a ton of benefits and not many downsides.

Once I learned about http files I never went back. It's so easy to share and use, I primarily use JetBrains but there are extensions for VSCode that do the same thing that I have used as well.

any resources to get the hang of the IntelliJ Client? cause when I tried it I kind of hit a wall not knowing where to start

just create a new file of type HTTP Request, click on the *Examples dropdown in the top right, choose the type of thing you want to do, copy one of the examples, and then paste it into the .http file you created. Then hit the play button! dead simple!

anywhere on the project? hmm, that sounds pretty neat.

sorry for bugging you, but do you know if there is some way to import postman collections into this kind of a file? cause I have like 100 files in postman atm

edit: nvm, just tried it out and I can get from postman a HTTP "code" and simply paste it into .request fiel.

no worries. I'm just slow to respond. Got lots going on. Seems like you figured it out though? Do you want some more guidance?

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Insomnia is great and has an easy, simple interface. But I feel like creating complex collections with different environments is a lot simpler with postman

I’m using the vscode extension called Thunderclient

Same. I like this so I don't need to open a second app. Only used PostMan and ThunderClient, so can't comment on others.

This. Is the best GUI, via vs code extension

Insomnia, or if you really love the command line and dont need to document or save your API requests, curl (don't recommend this for anything beyond simple testing).

If you like the command line but want something more user friendly than curl, I suggest httpie.

Oh this looks interesting. I will definitely give it a shot.

I mostly use httpie on the fish shell with autocompletion for quick requests, but it's no replacement

I also have been using httpie for a few years - it is really great.

Recently I have started using nushell which has a similar module builtin: Combined with rest of the nicities in nushell its a pretty good cli experience.

How’s nushell been for you so far? I took a look at it once when it was relatively new and was missing some features I needed, like shell scripts.

I like it. The docs are a bit scattered and I haven't switched to it completely, but it has proven to be very handy for some scenarios where I scrape some content from external sources and pull them into a local sqlite as a long term structured archive.

I'm the maintainer of HTTP Toolkit - it's not a Postman alternative (it's an open source project focused on intercepting & debugging traffic, not sending it) but I'm actually working on building a UI for exactly this right now, so this thread is perfectly timed!

Is there anything that any of you really love or hate about any of the tools suggested here?

What core features beyond just "edit method+URL+headers+body, send, view the response status+headers+body" are essential to you?

Anything you wish these tools could do better?

I'm planning on taking the client functionality live within a few weeks max, so if you want to help your perfect Postman alternative come to life now's the moment 😁

The big three for me are:

  1. For a given project, maintain a list of HTTP requests I often need to send
  2. Some way to save responses, so I can compare how the server does respond to how it previously responded.
  3. Both need to be shared with my colleagues. And this must not share any auth credentials/tokens/etc that are in every request (I want that do be done separately with something more secure).

I usually generate an API client in C#, and just use that. For example, and entire integration CRUD test for a user would just be something like:

var user = TestClient.CreateUser(1234, "Bob");

var userThroughGet = TestClient.GetUser(1234);

TestClient.EditUser(1234, "John");
userThroughGet = TestClient.GetUser(1234);

userThroughGet = TestClient.GetUser(1234);

Trying to set up those kinda scenarios quickly with Postman was getting pretty tedious

I'm saying that Postman is bad. maybe not in terms of functionality, but damn if it doesn't run like a slug on my work computer, which is just fine handling a dozen Visual Studio and Rider instances. It seems like it works perfectly for about 5 minutes and then goes to crap.

So yeah, I'd be interested in an alternative too. I only really use it for basic functionality (creating, sharing, and running collections of requests with configurable parameters).

Same for me, I'll notice my computer is a bit loud, realise I forgot to close postman and it's just sitting there, doing nothing, minimised, and my 12 core CPU is sat at 20%.

I close postman, within seconds the fans spin down.

I've tried a few alternatives but the rest of the team use postman and we've got shared collections and pretty extensive pre-request scripts and nothing else I've tried really fits the bill.

There is always the web version of postman. It can make localhost calls if you install their desktop agent. Might have better memory management somehow? I dunno.

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I mostly use the rest client extension for vscode

I tried to use the HTTP Client built into Jetbrains IDE, but I just can’t get hang of it

I use Hurl. Everything is just a text file:

    "id": "4568",
    "evaluate": true

HTTP 200
header "X-Frame-Options" == "SAMEORIGIN"
jsonpath "$.status" == "RUNNING"    # Check the status code
jsonpath "$.tests" count == 25      # Check the number of items
jsonpath "$.id" matches /\d{4}/     # Check the format of the id

It's very similar to what JetBrains has and you can easily translate between the two (assuming you aren't using assertions or any Hurl-specific features), but not exactly the same syntax.

I tend to go with Hurl because it's self contained and you can do things like throw it in your CI builds.

that's really neat... I've wanted to use it in CI but hadn't found a way. I might look into this.

Came here to write this, so you get my upvote instead.

I don't actually use Hurl, I use Jest (since I'm usually writing in TS) so that I can prep state before and confirm it afterwards and fully ensure that the request did what it was supposed to do, but if you're already just using Postman, you're likely not testing your state, and Hurl is a SIGNIFICANT improvement.

Edit text files in any editor. Run it from the command line. Include it in your CICD with ease. It's an incredible tool and it deseres to be far, far more popular than it is.

I find postman to be too complex, too much config all over the place. It's also difficult to share with others, it would be much better if it could store the settings in a file that could then be checked into git. That way everyone on the project would have the requests and could add and modify them as the server changes. Does any client like this exist?

If you need a GUI I'd recommend Insomnia, if not cURL is pretty amazing.

I recommend Visual Studio Code and one of the following two extensions:

Either one isn't really the full picture - you'll ned to combine it with other extensions - such as a good JSON language extension (which will give you syntax highlighting, error checking, code folding/etc.

The most important extension is CoPilot. That's the killer feature which makes Visual Studio Code vastly better than Postman.

Thunder is very similar to Postman. Not much to say other than it works well, it's free, millions of people use it.

It's not really my cup of tea, but I do think it's better than Postman because you can use your own version control servers to collaborate with colleagues, which is generally better (and cheaper) than Postman's collaboration service in my opinion (you get diffs, code review, pull requests, history, etc etc for all your most important API tests).

Personally I prefer REST Client (also free, and has even more users than Thunder).

REST Client is really simple. It adds a new "HTTP" text file type. You simply type a HTTP request into the file and hit a hotkey (or click a button) to execute the request. And it shows you the response. Easy.

HTTP requests and responses are just plain text, and you can simply save those as files in your project. REST Client also has basic support for variables, API credentials, etc. Not quite as user friendly as Postman or Thunder Client, but it makes up for that by being straightforward and flexible.

CoPilot Chat, works with both, but having everything in plain text gives it more control over REST Client than Thunder Clinet you can write (and edit) your requests with a series of simple plain english prompts. E.g. "JSON request with a blog post body" will give you:

Content-Type: application/json

    "title": "My First Blog Post",
    "body": "This is the content of my first blog post. It's not very long, but it's a start!",
    "author": "John Doe",
    "tags": ["blogging", "first post"]

You might follow that up with "Add a UUID" or "Add a JWT auth header".

Copilot can answer questions too - e.g. "How do I unsubscribe a user with the Mailchimp API?" They use the "HTTP PATCH" request type - WTF.

Another vote for Insomnia if you want something postman-like (sortof). But also check out hurl if you're looking for something more test-oriented.

I see that Hurl is much alike the Jetbrains HTTP Client. maybe I could give that one another try or the Hurl as this way of writing requests is more “developer-like” and looks neat

I must be the only moron using JMeter in place of Postman.

real madman. I remember using JMeter few years ago and it was a nightmare. Did it improve over the last 5 years?

It seems about the same. The only real improvement that I’ve noticed, and maybe I just had it set up wrong, is that it can now handle high resolutions. The first time I used it the text was impossible to read. It has a lot of really cool features, but it’s not the friendliest software.

Maybe try Swagger

Surprised how little love this option is getting in the comments. Not only will swagger be generated for you from your openapi spec, it has a clean fast UI and shared auth.

been using hurl recently, a lot easier to use than postman.

I stopped using postman in favor of just writing Python scripts to test what I was testing. 🤷‍♂️

(I’m getting tired of learning new tools when I only end up needing some surface level functionality that I can quickly write myself. Maybe that’s just me.)

xh and tiny shell scripts.

Example: sign-up-forbidden-username.req

xh POST usename=admin password=pw

to run ./sign-up-forbidden-username.req

This returns 403 and "Username is unavailable"

xh is a rust implementation of httpie. They're going for full parity, and works really well for what I need it for so far You can also read input from a file. Which IMO makes GUI API testing seem silly.

Insomnia user here too, I've found it to be simple,clean and to my taste.

If you’re on a Mac, I recommend the RapidAPI native HTTP client. It used to be called Paw and it recently got acquired by the RapidAPI team but it hasn’t changed much and still works pretty well IMO. I’ve been using it for years to test out APIs and i like it better than Postman.

I would use swagger in some instance tbh

As a lot of other comments have already suggested, HTTP Toolkit is a good alternative and I used it quite a bit prior to discovering Postman..

Insomnia used to be good, but it's WebKit, so really heavy to run, it crashed my PC several times