Bloodbath at RNC: Trump team slashes staff at committee to politics – 121 points –

Donald Trump’s newly installed leadership team at the Republican National Committee on Monday began the process of pushing out dozens of officials, according to two people close to the Trump campaign and the RNC.

All told, the expectation is that more than 60 RNC staffers who work across the political, communications and data departments will be let go. Those being asked to resign include five members of the senior staff, though the names were not made public. Additionally, some vendor contracts are expected to be cut.


Perhaps I’m an optimist, but my money is on the RNC being a clusterfuck that struggles in the general. This shakeup is going to remove people who actually know what the fuck is going on.

The point isn't to win, it's to make loyalty. To be in the Republican party, you must be loyal to Trump now.

Trump needs to win if he wants to stay out of jail. The point is to win by any means.

And to do that, he wants or needs loyalists. People willing to do what it takes until he's used them up or they rise.

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Yeah I get you, its like you are watching the nuclear reactor meltdown at a powerplant and hoping that the main chamber blows up prematurely because it might stop the reaction from running away into a catastrophic irradiation of everybody.

I’m praying that an extremely drunk passes out before getting into the car to drive, and he just decided to eat two Vicodin.

Hey Donald look I put a stack on the couch right here, don’t worry bud you can drive later just go chill with your stack of BK’s for awhile and watch golf while you slobber burger juice all over your disgusting fascist face, spout heinously racist drivel and complain about women that won’t have sex with you because they correctly conclude that despite being a former US President you are a pathetic loser.

Go snuggle with your burgers now Don, just for awhile, also take these pills they make your skin tanner.

🍔 🍔 🍔 🛋️ 💤

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I read the thread and article ready to come in here making a joke about Anthony Scaramucci having another shot at working for Trump only to check my sources and find this:

Anti-Trump political activities, 2019–2020

In July 2019, Scaramucci predicted that Trump would win "40+ states in 2020" but turned against Trump shortly thereafter, strongly criticizing Trump's attacks against women of color as "racist and unacceptable."[63] In August 2019, Scaramucci said that he no longer supported Trump's reelection campaign.[64]

In June 2020, Scaramucci joined with Matt Borges and other well-known Republican operatives to launch Right Side PAC, a super PAC aiming to prevent Trump's re-election as president and support his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden.[66] Scaramucci served as an adviser to the group.[67][68] He was one of multiple other Trump former officials to endorse Biden.[69]

source The Mooch ... worked against Trump getting elected in 2020.

What crazy time line are we in?! We're through the looking glass here people.

I mean hes the guy that took a job for 10 days in the Trump admin and ended up divorced and becoming a memetic unit of time that is only rivaled by "the truss," which is defined as "a period of time less than the usable lifespan of a lettuce where long reigning world leaders die."

He got a real fast reality check about what supporting trump means.

I get that feeling every time I see Carl Rove bashing the GOP on CNN 😁

Anyone else thought the headline (“bloodbath”) was saying there were actual deaths and that this hypersensationalistic reporting is irresponsible?

Do you also think the Saturday Night Massacre was Nixon killing everyone? This kind of hyperbole isn’t new at all.

Knowing nothing about any event called the Saturday Night Massacre, it sure sounds like it was.

I didn't say it was new. I said it is irresponsible.

Yeah, “bloodbath” plus “slashes” made me think this was a report of violence at a Trump event, which is entirely plausible these days. I agree this is completely irresponsible, and also a totally unnecessary way of framing what happened.

Edit: especially with such a consequential and potentially violent election getting underway, we all need to be damn sure of it if there actually is a bloodbath somewhere.