Sounds like a fart to Lemmy – 621 points –

Me and my friends were still figuring out this new shooter. 20 seconds in, we were told we were on a quiet mission. Stealth was important. My friend was still testing what each key on his keyboard did.

23 seconds in, my friend found the hand grenade button.

Game: "there are way too many of them! We have to sneak around!" Me: "let's test if that's actually true"

This is how I handled the early Hitman games back in the day. Wasn't always obvious what you could use and simply testing the waters could fuck you up; but who cares when you can find a rocket launcher somewhere and just kill everyone? can't have any witnesses if no one is left alive.

You know what they say, if violence doesn't work you ain't using enough of it.

That is awesome. And maybe this is a dumb question but... Would that actually make the report of the gun louder?

I think it might direct the sound so it may sound louder if you're the one getting shot

If you can hear the shot, it missed you

these are pistol rounds and thus most likely subsonic. If it's a supersonic round then yes, but it is possible to hear the shot before you get hit. Possibly even more likely with this.

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Yes but in a more forward direction. The shooter would actually get a tiiiiiiiny less sharp crack.

source : People have tried these for fun and personally I own a muzzle brake on one of my pistols.

Likely not to an appreciable degree. Horns make a sound louder by giving the thing producing the sound more air to push against, so the pressure waves actually build up and travel through the air instead of just pushing it around.

Meanwhile a gunshot is loud because it's already a massive pressure wave. Silencers work by containing the pressure spike and allowing the gas to expand and cool.

In fact, muzzle cones were added to rifles and machine guns during the early 20th century for a similar reason, to suppress the muzzle flash from the unburnt powder hitting fresh air and combusting by giving the gases a place to expand and cool. They did also tend to direct some of the concussion away from the shooter, but it's debatable how effective this was.

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I'd take that shit to the range all the time if it made fart noises at gun volume.

I wonder if you could make a muzzle brake with the floppy bits of whoopee cushions attached to the gas ports…

You probably could, but it wouldn't have the same volume of the gunshot.

Don't let that stop you from trying though.

Honestly I'm a little upset there isn't an attachment for the m16 that makes it sound like a clown horn.

Sledge Hammer was a cop show. Dude had a loudner for his hand cannon.

Aim between the eyes! ...even if you miss, the the poor bastard's at least going deaf.