Conservative US judges criticize new rule curbing 'judge shopping' to – 228 points –

Two conservative federal appeals court judges on Wednesday criticized judicial policymakers for adopting a new rule aimed at curtailing "judge shopping" by state attorneys general, activists and others who challenge government policies in courthouses where one or two sympathetic judges hear most cases.

U.S. Circuit Judges James Ho and Edith Jones of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in separate statements said the policy approved by the U.S. Judicial Conference on Tuesday was the result of political pressure and conflicted with federal law.

The rule the 26-member Judicial Conference approved was designed to curb a litigation strategy used by conservative litigants to challenge Biden administration policies, often in one-or-two judge courthouses in Texas.


If ultraconservative justices are against the new rule, that's how you know it's working.

Close a judicial loophole and the complaints come from habitual loopholers and the people who benefited from them.

I suggest, respectfully, that if Judges Ho and Jones don't like the new rules, they can avoid dealing with it by simply resigning. Such action would have an immediate positive effect on the reputation of the Judicial Branch.

John Oliver might be willing to send a pop-up camper their way to sweeten the deal.

Clarence will never take it, obviously, because it's not about the van, it's not about the money, it's about the decorum and being an old fat black man who white dynastic powerchildren have to grovel before.

It's about the grovelling.

"Waaah, it's not as easy to subvert the court system that we've already severely compromised."


Partisan judges don’t like rules that are non-partisan, who knew? 🤷🏻‍♂️

"Why did I go to law school if all my crooked buddies can't choose me?"

Had a professor who liked to say "The Supreme Court hates when anyone other than the Fifth Circuit tells it what to do." Fuck the Fifth Circuit and every one of its members. Fuck most of the District Courts therein as well.

Every time I see some batshit ruling, I'll mumble to myself "bet it's the 5th circuit" and I'm almost never disappointed.

For context, the Fifth circuit covers Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

It's always economic terminology with these people, that and sports references (three strikes or w/e).

On a psychological level their choice of wording reveals that they see everything in terms of money, rather than ideals and values.

I had my family telling me killing homeless people for the theft of a propane tank is okay. So I think that trend of thought exists in much more than our governing bodies.

What I find strange is that we are not hanging people in cages outside the city gates. Because nothing else has fucking changed.

it's as though the domestic terrorists that are federalist society and it's groomed judges are big mad that their sole reason of being of inflicting a regressionist billionaire and christian nationalist agenda on an unwilling nation got severely stifled. pity.