Russians Set Fire to At Least 3 Polling Stations on First Day of Election to World – 426 points –
Russians Set Fire to At Least 3 Polling Stations on First Day of Election - The Moscow Times

Those polling places are not worth the ashes anyway. I can understand why people set fire to them. They are an insult to every russian who has not completly gelatinized his brain with state TV.

"Massive voter turnout is expected on the first day of elections."

Mobs destroy polling stations, 3 set ablaze.

"No! Not like that!"

Well, that's one way to do it, but the whole organizing all at once was probably more effective

Wouldn't be surprised if we see similar things in the US as time goes on.

When it happens in Russia it's "the will of the people" but when it happens in America it will be "them damn anteefers tryna' steal our election!"