Michael Moore Says You'll Think He's Crazy For What He Thinks About Trump, "Trump is smarter than us"

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -26 points –
Michael Moore Says You'll Think He's Crazy For What He Thinks About Trump

All he is saying is don't underestimate Trump. He has a track record of getting away with everything so vote and be vocal about your opposition to MAGA.

“I’m talking about the way throughout his entire life he’s been able to pull shit off and get away with it,” the “Bowling for Columbine” director said. “It is an amazing record. You know the record. I’m not going to run through the whole litany of it ... You know the whole list, and he’s gotten away with it. You must marvel at how somebody that stupid is that smart when it comes to the performance of his evil and his ability to never have to pay for it.”

Moore, who famously predicted Trump’s upset 2016 victory in a HuffPost blog, forecasted that Trump will be able to kick his legal problems “down the road” before the big day in November.

“The only thing that can save us is ourselves,” he said. “We are going to have to mobilize.”

It should be noted that Moore has said Trump is smarter than us previously. Still, Moore has made it very clear what he thinks of the former president.

“[Trump] may be an idiot and a bigot, but he’s also an evil genius (with the emphasis on genius),” a part of the “Rumble” episode’s synopsis reads.

All he is saying is don't underestimate Trump. He has a track record of getting away with everything so vote and be vocal about your opposition to MAGA. ... “[Trump] may be an idiot and a bigot, but he’s also an evil genius (with the emphasis on genius),”

I'd say he's more like the baby from Baby's Day Out except instead of bumbling through adorable hijinks, it's grifting and fascism. Plus, they both wear diapers.

Lot of pointless semantics and desperate denial in this thread.

You don't have to agree that 'smart' is a good choice of word. You just have to accept that Trump knows exactly how to motivate his base while the Dems are apt to shit on theirs.

Turnout is the only thing that matters in this election, as in 2016. Trump's voters will turn out. If you (Dem loyalists) want Biden to win, stop sneering at everyone who will need to hold their nose to vote for him.

Speak for yourself, Michael

"I'm talking about the way throughout his entire life he’s been able to pull shit off and get away with it”

Isn't hard to figure. Undisciplined child of a multi millionaire. Pampered and sheltered. Always seeing what he could get away with.


Like the equation doesn’t take a genius.

Rich kid finds out that doing shitty Things have no consequences for rich people.

What about that required intelligence?

Like, screwing people over in business is bad for your credit score, but what do the rich need a credit score for? Is he taking out a car loan?

In the words of the piece of shit himself, when you have money you can get away with it.

Yeah he was talking about him committing sexual assault multiple times but I think it applies

Stop down voting this, people! Moore may be a bit questionable himself, but in this case he's right. Trump is extremely good at subverting established systems to his own advantage. That is because he sees every interaction in life as a zero-sum deal. If he doesn't achieve 100% of his aims, he loses. He has no respect for anyone except himself.

Case in point: he just got assessed a whopping judgement. And he can't raise the capital easily for it. So what does he do? Offer a bond for less than 1/4 of it and ask to call that good. He is approaching a court judgement as just another negotiation, totally ignoring the fact that if anyone else did that, they would get their ass handed to them by the court. He thinks that gives him leverage.

Don't have to be smart to know how to manipulate idiots and racists. If he really was "smart" he wouldn't be up to his eyeballs in debt.

Why do people downvote this? Did they not read the (quite short) article?

People can be dumb as fuck and still have street smarts that let them get away with shit. There are a billion idiots out there working the system, most are just on a much smaller scale.

Someone needs to pull Michael Moore aside and tell him what an "idiot savant" is.

I know it's been discredited as a formal description of anyone but Trump is very much an absolute poster boy for the concept.