Party Rule Cannon to – 209 points –

Disclaimer: I am not a metalhead. I know nothing of Party Cannon’s works. Only that someone uttered, “Fucking Party Cannon” upon seeing this flyer.


Party Cannon rocks! I took my daughter to a show here recently. It's a fun show with lots of inflatable pool toys... And pushups. (Honestly, you don't need to be a metal head to enjoy the show and it's very unique.)

We got to see them in a tiny venue too so it was super personal. The lead singer personally sold my kid a tee shirt. ;)

What’s the idea behind making your band name illegible?

Metal fans have actually created their own language

This, but unironically. When seeing some illegible logo, even if you cannot read the text and/or don't know the band, you can probably tell the genre of metal their playing just by the design.

This is a real poster?!

Not even very surprising. The dark and/or broody scenes tend to be a lot less serious than they look. To give an example I saw: At last year's Wave Gotik Treffen (a huge goth event) there were plenty of posters for broody bands – and in between them there was one for the German Hevisaurus spinoff advertising their new song about bubblegum.

And then someone went around and put googly eyes on all the posters. That's also pretty on-brand for the scene.

Gatekeeping, in a form of "If you know you know"; but also it becomes a fun guessing game in fest when checking people shirts!

And then it turns out Party Cannon is the most hardcore of them all

No Altars and Wolf King need to step up their game.

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There, did it for them.

We're Party Cannon and we're here to do 3 things: lower your IQ, get you hit and increase you sex drive!

This next song is about my favorite gender neutral thing: eating ass. This one's called Nauseating and Unpalatable!

Party Cannon looks like a spin-off of the defunct toys-r-us

Come to Canada, we still have Toys'r'us

What the fuck is toys 'tism?

My local one burned down in a fire started by a child messing with a toy that had batteries if I recall correctly

Not going to mention location because I don't want to dox myself

I wish their music was like plonky circus music, but with the evil devil screaming metal lyrics laid on top and the band itself came out dressed like bright, colorful clowns.

Also: Does one of those say "Alter Beast?" Like the video game?

For the first bit, you'd want Clownc0re.

Second bit, yes, top right of the right-most side.

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


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The video game was "Altered Beast".

That's if you're refering to this

It is. The text looks pretty similar. Just add more spikes behind it and remove the "ed." I wonder if it was their inspiration?

Their original name was 'Gary Busey Amber Alert'. So, maybe?

I've been searching articles and I can't find anything about why they chose that name.

EDIT: See, I knew if I made a post about it, I would immediately find the answer.

"Their name is an obvious reference to Altered Beast (1988). Michael Alvarez would later go on to use "Rise From Your Grave" as a song title in Flub."

Flub - 'Rise From Your Grave'

Pro tip, Acid Bath's "When The Kite String Pops" is also not that.

Though they do have a song about Dr Seuss.