NY Republican says House could ‘end up having a Speaker Hakeem Jeffries’ as GOP majority narrows

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 213 points –
NY Republican says House could ‘end up having a Speaker Hakeem Jeffries’ as GOP majority narrows

“And aren’t we team Republican?

And therein lies the problem with modern politics. They think everything is just team sports. It's a game to them.

They've completely lost touch with the fact that they are there to serve the public, not the other way around.

Ronna McDaniel said the quiet part out loud on NBC

“Her choice and her decision was, ‘I’m going to put my own views secondary to the views of the larger party,’” said David Urban, a former senior Trump campaign adviser who has his own contributor contract at CNN. “I’ve seen people that say, ‘Oh, your job is to represent America, not represent your party. That’s not necessarily true. She’s in large part a spokesperson for the party and the figurehead for the party. If that’s where the party is or was at the time, then that’s that.”

They are there to serve their corporate donors while speaking to give the illusion that they care about their voters.

The system is working as intended by modern politicians. Thanks to Citizens United making corruption legal.

But they aren't there to serve the public.

Republicans believe that you elect them to do what they want not what you want.

That's the definition of a Republican.

No, you're not fucken Team Republican. You're Team The American People you fucken hag.

Enough resign to make Jeffires speaker on Oct 25th. Start running campaign ads on Oct 26th saying "The house has been so dysfunctional because democrats are in charge - vote for a change, vote to put republicans back in charge of the house!"

Enough resign to make Jeffires speaker on Oct 25th.

Democrat majority in House, Senate, and Executive? I thought xmas was supposed to happen in December. Lets see October Santa has for us on our wishlist.

Dont be confused, they wont leverage their majorities, or they'll have nothing to promise to do to make you re elect them.

Their whole strategy is basically breaking things then chucking them at the next guy and running away shouting "you touched it last!" so yeah, that tracks.

I can't support any politician that takes AIPAC money/trips


For Democrats to be going on this trip funded and led around by an organisation that is fundamentally opposed to the policies of their president and their party – and which attacks the colleagues of the people on the trip very, very directly – is absurd. You’re seeing more and more Democrats saying, ‘You shouldn’t be doing that,’” he said.

Justice Democrats, which helped fund election campaigns for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other members of the “Squad” critical of Israeli policies, asked why the party was working with Aipac when it endorsed the re-election campaigns of more than 100 Republican members of Congress who tried to block Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

“It is a failure of Democratic leadership to continue working in any capacity with Aipac,” said Justice Democrats spokesperson Usamah Andrabi.

“Every Democratic member who went on this trip is endorsing Aipac’s rightwing primary challenges to their colleagues, the over 100 Republicans who voted to overturn the election, and the Israeli government’s brutal apartheid regime.”

It's bad when Republicans do it, it's still bad when Dems do it.

It's not a high bar for standards.

Lol. This is such a bad reason to not vote for Democrats. Trump creates a whole stock (djt) to launder money from foreign investors into his campaign, and you are worried about something as trivial as this? Either you are bad at arguments or a bad actor on the side of getting a traitor reelected

Man, never thought so many people would be ok with foreign governments buying us politicians

All it takes is buying both parties and people love it

Here's something more recent then:


Protests continue on Capitol Hill, as well. On Tuesday, members of Jewish Voice for Peace occupied the office of Congressmember Hakeem Jeffries, calling on the Democratic leader to reject funding from AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Jeffries is one of AIPAC’s largest recipients. The action came as over 20 groups launched the Reject AIPAC coalition, established to counter the powerful lobby group’s influence in D.C. and to call on elected officials to reject endorsements and contributions from AIPAC


perfect is the enemy of good

A foreign country buying the politicians in leadership positions of both parties should at least be taken as seriously as a foreign country buying just one of the parties.

That doesn't really talk about his recent position, just public pressure on him and past donations? Schumer, for example, has made quite a few enemies at AIPAC in the past few weeks. Maybe Jeffries hasn't been as vocal, but he also hasn't been making huge efforts to support them.

And you're willing to let the GOP rise to power because the dems are imperfect? Really?

And you’re willing to let the GOP rise to power because the dems are imperfect? Really?

Yeah. They're fine with genocide here because America Bad and Deserves It.

Maybe Jeffries hasn’t been as vocal, but he also hasn’t been making huge efforts to support them.

He's the Dem House leader and we just passed a budget where Israel gets another 3 billion and we can't donate to UNRWA till 2025...

And you're saying he isn't doing anything for Israel?

So you're willing to let the GOP take over just because he's imperfect? And then we lose all our rights and give even more to Israel, but you'd be happy because the dems lost?

And I hate to break it to you, but you will NEVER in your life see a congressional budget that you 100% agree with.

Hey, you're cool with foreign governments owning our politicians in the highest parts of our government.

I'm not.

Everyone has their own personal line that they can't rationalize past. Ive hit mine.

I hope shit gets better before you cross yours. It sucks.

Privilege sure is sweet, huh?

Says the person who's life isn't effected by a foreign government owning our highest elected politicians...

I guarantee my life is more effected by who is president than most people on Lemmy.

And not just for the next four years. If shit gets bad before it gets better, whether that's good or bad is just about timescale. And only thinking one election ahead hasn't been working out.

There's no reason to think it'll suddenly start happening.

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No one can get anything done with purity tests.

Taking bribes from a foreign government is disqualifying to me.

The only reason that AIPAC doesn't have to register as a foreign agent, is the people who decide that take AIPAC money.

Like, is your problem with trump taking Russian money that Biden didn't get any?

A foreign country has bought both political parties and there are real world consequences happening right now.

But it's a "purity test" to talk about it?

My problem is no one is clean and I order to get anything done, you have to get dirty.

My problem is no one is clean

Because AIPAC donates heavily in primaries of both parties to ensure that when the general happens they can't lose.

But some progressives manage to beat them.

It's not impossible, but it'll never be enough if people keep ignoring reality.

If a politician takes AIPAC money, voters should know what that means. That they're saying they're ok with foreign governments buying US politicians as long as it's for their "team".

I can't do that anymore, it's not working out for us.

So vote in the primaries. But when it comes to the general the "both sides" isn't accurate and acting like it is is either willful ignorance, privilege, or trolling.

So vote in the primaries

I will in like two months...

But I won't vote for another candidate that takes money from a foreign government in another election.

The fact that you’re way, way too focused on AIPAC instead of using it as a jumping-off point to hilight the insanity of the concept of PACs is fairly telling, to be honest.

Name another PAC that exists a semi official arm of another countries government.

That is an incredibly blurry line, and you know it.

But sure - there’s a list.

Those are "foreign connected" and includes companies like Annehiser Bush...

Maybe you just don't know about AIPAC if you think that's the same thing


It literally only exists because what it replaced had to register as a foreign agent...

Ran by many of the same people...

And has literally committed espionage against our country...

Espionage related FBI investigations in 1984 and 2005 reveal AIPAC's ongoing stealth foreign agency activities. Declassified FBI files released on the Internet last week reveal that in 1984 AIPAC and the Israeli Ministry of Economics were investigated for jointly obtaining and circulating classified US economic data to obtain favorable trade benefits for Israel. http://www.irmep.org/ila/economy In 2005 Pentagon Colonel Lawrence Franklin pled guilty and two AIPAC employees were indicted for obtaining and circulating classified US national defense information to Israeli government officials allegedly in the interest of fomenting US action against Iran.

It's not the fucking same as a beer company that's based in another country, it's an unofficial arm of the Israeli government

I guarantee you that other countries - especially ones antagonistic to the US - are absolutely using PACs in a covert/semi-covert fashion, in the interest of influencing US elections and politics in their own best interests. Israel is just brazen enough and confident enough in their “special relationship” with us that they don’t really give a shit that everyone knows that they’re more or less directly calling the shots at AIPAC - as you mentioned, functionally the same setup as they had decades ago.

Excellent. Keep saying that and you will have President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Tubertool, and house Speaker Margie Traitor Green. Then you will be happy that it’s not Jeffries and his AIPAC money.

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