Viewing All + Active feels like drinking from a firehose to – 31 points –

Everyone is talking about how there isn't much content, but when I view All + Active the amount of stuff that pops up for me is almost overwhelming. Is it just me?


Imagine how its gonna be when we refederate with 😵‍💫

For some reason, when I tried that, I got a literal firehose of furry porn. Which is fine, I don't want to yuck anyone's yum, but it was...a lot. All at once. And I'm unable to determine exactly where it's coming from (new to Lemmy, and pretty sure NSFW is not allowed on Beehaw).

I really wish we could just remove all NSFW from /all :/

I'd rather put it on a toggle, off by default, so that if you want to go squeaky clean you can, then turn it on and you get all that

Yeah this would be my preference. In the meantime when porn pops up I go into the community and block it. If I ever want to use lemmy for porn I'll just create an account for that.

I have that problem too, but I know why. Beehaw federates with some nsfw instances and lets users choose to opt out. When making my account I checked the box to see nsfw stuff, remembering how various conversations over on reddit would be tagged nsfw, but that was a mistake. There are no discussions tagged nsfw, only porn. It must be possible to change that option somewhere, but I haven't really investigated yet.

I checked the box to see NSFW stuff for the same reason. The app I'm using (Connect) hides the previews for NSFW stuff, so that's handy.

Yeah, I think I'll look into in as well. On Reddit sometimes people would use NSFW as a trigger warning on writing, but I'm not really triggered by writing. I'm not super into porn of any kind, though, so I'd rather not see that kind of content.

This would be a real good feature request. The conflation of porn, gore, and discussion of sexuality all haphazardly into the category of NSFW has always been an annoyance to those who want the option of blocking one but not the others. Offering built-in labels would go along way.

That's how you know the platform is gonna live, lol. The absence of furry porn (yiff) means people won't hang around and the platform is ailing.

The server(s) you probably saw was has some, but I think they are gonna eventually request everyone port subs to yiffit if lemmy doesn't cone up with a feature toggle to bifurcate servers or have a toggle in settings.

I don't mind it, but right now my feeds are a bit of a mess.

I hadn't fully processed the existence of the All option, despite having acknowledged the existence of Local. I turned on All + Active after seeing this post. Definitely agree it's overwhelming. I went back to Local. :D

It is not even all. Just stuff others on our instance subscribe to.

So I am not really all that savvy with how this works yet. What exactly determines what you see on all on any given instance? You mentioned things that locals are subscribed to, does that mean it's the only way things show up on all on a particular instance? I was under the assumption that it was just things that were popular on all of the other instances.

I am not sure Lemmy knows about anything that is not subscribed by someone. Same when searching for communities. My impression. I am new too though.

I will say though that it's a good way to find interesting things outside of your instance. But it can require a bit of digging.

Yeah, frankly. I don't view All very often. I've defaulted to subscribed and active. Sometimes I visit new if I feel like it's going too slowly.

Thats normal. Going to all is totally overwhelming unless you are on a small server because its every post from every community that everyone on your server is subscribed to.

I follow a few different instances from my instance, and checking 'new' and 'active' always turns up new stuff to poke at. Quite a bit of content flow.

Ow uhm, so apparently "local + active" is the default setting. Didn't know about it, thanks for the suggestion

For me it was moving kinda slowly, but spent a bit of time this afternoon blocking communities devoted to subjects which actively disinterest me but which are very popular. This created a lot of space for material to show up quickly from a much wider array of subjects.

No doubt the time will come when that won't be enough, for now it suits me.