Mike Lindell's MyPillow is getting evicted from its Minnesota warehouse after the company failed to cough up over $200,000 in unpaid rent

mozz@mbin.grits.dev to politics @lemmy.world – 353 points –
Mike Lindell's MyPillow is getting evicted from its Minnesota warehouse after the company failed to cough up over $200,000 in unpaid rent

Damn, the Deep State sure did do a number on this poor man.

He should have seen it coming - we talked about it at all the deep state meetings.

Are those the same meetings where you plan the destruction of American cities and the nuclear family?

Oh c’mon SatansMaggotyCumFart, you got the agenda notes

I'm no longer admitted in after the incident with the fish so I'm just trying to catch up.

To your question: Yes they are. And what you did with that fish was practically a war crime. We'll revisit your membership in 23 weeks at the anniversary.

RIP Fish, RIP.

They put it in the microwave at the office, didn’t they?

Yes. Of course. Why don't you join? We could use some people on the turn-the-friggin-frogs-gay chemtrail planning committee.

He can cry himself to sleep on his lumpy pillows.

When he said „obviously you don’t have a my pillow“ it must have been so hard not to reply „yes, my pillow is not lumpy“.

He sarcastically referred to counsel as “your highness,” answered questions by stating “let me see if I can get this through your thick skull,” and repeatedly shouted, “what is wrong with you?” He repeatedly referred to Judge Wang as “disgusting” while mocking these proceedings.

What an absolute charmer!

Tell me you're so much not a downtrodden victim, that the very concept of a venue where you don't make all the rules and can't do literally anything you want, is offensive and confusing to you.

It's hilarious because I know someone with a MyPillow. I felt it. It is so. Fucking. Lumpy lmao.

If you sell non-lumpy pillows, and someone calls your pillows lumpy, you can laugh it off, because they're wrong. Him cursing and whining about it like a 13-year-old is instant confirmation that yep, they're lumpy as fuck and he knows it.

And his pillows are too lumpy for the Deep Sleep to reinvigorate him.

As much as his pillows and politics suck, he does employ a bunch of people who didn't deserve to lose their jobs because he wanted to suck the orange idiot's cock.

It is true. But at the same time, in our cold capitalistic society that sometimes boots people out the door through no particular fault of their own, surely "your boss tried to murder democracy and we're trying to disable him and his company because he seems like he really wants to try again" is one of the better reasons for it.

They were free to find gainful employment elsewhere 🤷‍♂️

Not everyone has their pick of where to go.

There are always some people that take a job because careers the market is rough for whatever they do. I could see junior UX designer saying “fuck it, it’s a job and they gave me an offer.”

I mean, you have fair point...but this whole time they couldn't help themselves out of a bad situation? The people that stayed believed in the crackpot vision, IMO, now they're upset they're about to unemployed 🤷‍♂️ and I find it difficult to muster any semblance of sympathy 😁

Depends on the person, the role, when they joined, etc.

Almost every company has a non zero amount of people who would like to bail, but have been better off staying with a shitty company that is circling the drain.

Sometimes those people are still pretty new hires. Sometimes it’s the opposite, and it’s people that struggle to find equivalent compensation elsewhere because they’ve been at the company for too long and they don’t have experience with anything else.

There will be people that had options and made bad choices, but there are almost always some people in a company that have fewer options than you might realize.


Awesome username. In light of that, maybe think of it like this: Lindell went full fascist. Never go full fascist

Eh, and MyPillow workers have had long enough to know who they work for, they could avail themselves help through their state workforce program to get free retraining in another industry at any point. Theyd've been better off flipping burgers

I’ve worked for quite a few companies that have been circling the drain, and have done a lot of hiring, placement, and career transition work over the last couple decades.

Failing companies often still hire to keep the lights on, and people who are desperate for a particular job in a particular space often still take those jobs so they can get anything on their resume (design, marketing, etc can’t be hard to break into professionally, but be rewarding once you get a foot in the door).

As for the training thing, that’s not always a great option for a lot of spaces. You might go from a job that you climbed, and pays your mortgage and feeds your kids, to starting at the bottom all over. People in that position will often try to hold out and spend extra energy on a job hunt and interviewing, because the alternative can be a pretty big impact to financial stability.

Well, I concede you definitely have more experience in the field. I'm talking about the MyPillowemployees specifically..I just find it hard to believe in the idea of succumbing to desperation to the point of being incapable of helping yourself in this kind of situation...I've availed myself of the same program here in Texas and they do a great job. In the end, they would've been better off flipping burgers instead of working for that guy, they'd still be gainfully employed 😁

I mean, they’ve had several years to find a company not run by a crackhead psychopath fascist that’s trying to destroy our democracy.

Landlord: “this is MY pillow now”

Right wing nutjobs and not paying their debts. Name a more iconic duo.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

"MyPillow has more or less vacated, but we'd like to do this by the book," the landlord's attorney, Sara Filo, said during an eviction court hearing on Tuesday, per Star Tribune.

Filo's request was granted by Scott County Chief Judge Caroline Lennon on Tuesday, per the Star Tribune.

Lindell's legal and financial woes have been piling up ever since he became a hardcore advocate for former President Donald Trump's baseless election fraud claims.

But Lindell's growing belief in conspiracy theories on election interference has created some dire straits for his pillow business.

Then, in June 2022, Walmart told BI that it would stop carrying MyPillow products in its stores, though they would still be sold online.

Lindell told the Associated Press in January that his company owes Fox News around $7.8 million in advertising fees.

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