Rule to – 184 points –

What does it mean?!


Communities usually named 195 or 196 have a rule that if you go there you have to post something. So people will post something and title it "Rule." And it leads to a bunch of low effort crap posts.

Just block any 195 and 196 communites to save your feed from getting overwhelmed with bad posts.

Even though, I am no fun of low effort content, there is so few active community that it's a bit refreshing to see content, even low effort, also they spread to much over Lemmy, that looks like it'll contaminate lemmy's culture which is great to become something else than redditfugees

If you think there are few active communities on Lemmy, you may be looking in the wrong place.

There is a community called 196, their only rule is to post something before leaving.

So glad I blocked that dumb shit. I really wish people would leave Reddit behind when coming here.

I like it. It adds a lot of content to my feed, even if most of it is shitposting

Yeah I can't blame them for posting content. It's not ideal that 169 and shitposting take up 80% of my feed, but it's better than nothing, right?

My subscription feed isn't big enough yet for me to just scroll through that so I've been dipping in and out of... I was about to say /r/all but whatever the Lemmy word for that is, and there seems to be a new dumb community flooding my feed every day - yesterday it was 196, today it was weirdgirlmemes. I just block them and carry on

I completely agree, but I would ascribe a lot of it to teething of an early platform. Narwhals and bacon once dominated that other site in the early days lol

I like it too. Back in Reddit I never saw/heard about that community. I have grown fond of their humor here on Kbin. It gets at least a couple of laughs a day, and I've even laughed out loud on some occasions.

Could be worse. At least we don't have "dubs" threads like 4chan does.

Turning dubs back on right before he left was the final middle finger from moot, I suspect.

I have no idea what any of that means, but Iโ€™ll definitely take your word for it.

Every post on a chan-style imageboard has a number. If the last two digits are the same, it's "dubs."

Now imagine a million threads full of nothing but people trying to get dubs on their comment. Yeah, it's really that stupid.

The creator of 4chan (moot) turned them off at some point (as in, it would skip any number with dubs, but not trips or above), but right before he sold 4chan he turned them back on.