'Bollard Man': Hero who confronted stabber promised Australia visa

Wilshire@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 188 points –
'Bollard Man': Hero who confronted stabber promised Australia visa

Good on this man. Also

Police are now investigating how and why Cauchi, who is from the state of Queensland, committed such violence.

Gee, five of the six people he killed were women, and his father said, "He wanted a girlfriend and he has no social skills and he was frustrated out of his brain," but it's such a mystery, I guess we'll never know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dudes will literally murder people instead of going to therapy.

Youtube/Twitter won't push him to get help. They pushed him toxic bullshit.

And he was a mentally ill schizophrenic...

So are millions of people who have never stabbed anyone.

Yeah... just saying that might have something to do with it. Or is it to your mind completely irrelevant...?

It genuinely could be completely irrelevant. Was he suffering a psychotic episode during the attack?

By saying "he stabbed people because he's schizophrenic", you're grouping millions of innocent people in with a murderer in a way that is no more fair than the far-right scum who immediately say "I bet he's a Muslim".

Not only does that discourage people from seeking help and turn them into pariahs, it contributes functionally nothing to our understanding of why this happened because not all mentally ill people are violent and not all violent people are mentally ill.

Or, you know, his mental illnesses could be a factor...

Tell us more doctor, since you have information none of us seem to.

I really feel like it's more common sense than anything else.

A person who is mentally ill and has done violent things, doesn't mean they did those violent things because of their illness.

In fact, your "common sense" isn't even supported by science.

  • Only 10-15% of schizophrenic people exhibit violent tendencies

  • Schizophrenic people living in communities are up to 14x more likely to be the victim of violence rather than the perpetrator

  • Finally, this is anecdotal, but for whatever it's worth, I have multiple (3) friends who are schizophrenic and they are genuinely the kindest people I know, whether or not they are on their medication.

Stop vilifying the mentally ill.

Stop vilifying the mentally ill.

Everything is an offense, a battle to be won... just stop, breathe.

Right, so a schizophrenic commits violent murders, and your argument is that the mental illness is to be considered irrelevant?

Please don't tell me to stop and breathe, I'm fully calm in this discussion.

My argument is that no one in this thread is a psychologist who has evaluated the schizophrenic person. Not you, not me, not anyone else. We can speculate as to the cause, but making prescriptive statements like "he did this because he has schizophrenia" only serve to stigmatize the condition further when we truly have no idea if that was the cause.

I'm not talking about your calmness but your overreaction.

You don't need to be a psychologist to determine whether his mental illness was a factor. I'm not saying his mental illness was the reason.

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Or you know it maybe wasn't a factor.

Well, clearly it was.

It's about as clear as racial profiling is. Which means not at all.

What? Racial profiling. What are you talking about?

What are you talking about? You are demonizing mental illness despite people providing you with statistics to the contrary. You push this "they were mentally ill and that is why they did it" narrative despite not being a doctor, not being their doctor, not being involved with the investigation. Just stop.

You are demonizing mental illness despite people providing you with statistics to the contrary. You push this "they were mentally ill and that is why they did it" narrative

I never did that, I never said that. This made up outrage of yours speaks for itself, but it's tiresome.

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May or may not be relevant. Statistically, people with illnesses like schizophrenia are no more likely to commit violent crimes than the general population (but are more likely to be victims of violent crimes). There are documented cases of people with schizophrenia killing or commiting other violent acts in response to delusions, but it's usually in an act that they perceive as self-defense rather than being driven by malice or desire to harm. I.e., it's generally more like "I killed my dad because he was going to kill me" rather than "I went out and murdered some random women because no women like me."

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And there are also millions of people who have never had a gf, who have never stabbed anyone.

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Its kinda crazy to me how someone can stab 18 people before someone is able to stop them. Were all the victims alone with nobody close to stop the suspect? I probably would chicken out aswell in a situation where im not close, but if somebody gets stabbed right next to me, there is nothing to do but fight is there?

Stopping someone with a knife is very difficult.

In my youth I used to fight Muay Thai professionally and did so for about ten years. I would be very confident taking on a random person in fisticuffs but I would rank my chances against someone with a knife very, very poorly.

Knives give an obvious reach advantage. Also just one nasty slice or one well placed stab and you're fucked where generally most people will take a few well placed strikes to stop. The odds just aren't in your favour.

Basically the safest thing to do against someone with a knife is run for your life or get your hands on a weapon that's longer than the knife if you can't run.

This is very sobering and decent advice.

When I was practicing jujitsu, our instructors were pretty unanimous that they would rather be robbed by someone with a gun than with a knife. Not that your odds are great against any weapons, but a gun only has one dangerous bit. The first time I was learning to disarm someone armed with a knife I was told "If you fight someone with a knife, you're going to get cut, no question."

Without training most people either freeze or freek out.

In the time I spend figuring out what happened, I'm probably also getting stabbed. If not, I'd be wondering if it was targetted (and therefore I'm safe) as I'm running away, but I haven't planned an escape route yet, so I'm just as likely to crash into an obstacle as I am to run away.

Were all the victims alone with nobody close to stop the suspect?

Wikipedia says the perpetrator arrived at 3:20 pm and police only started getting phone calls closer to 4pm, so that seems to be the case.

Apparently a number of people in the shopping centre were unaware anything was happening until police shot the guy.

That makes a lot more sense then. This is no laughing matter but for the lack of a better example he was basically on a stealth mission then, quickly and silently killing people to maximise the damage he could do.

Except he doesn't need to do that. Knives are dangerous. It's not like you can "rush the guy" with three people and "just take his knife". This isn't a movie. There are tests on youtube of martial artists trying to take a "knife" from a kid (knife = marker, the martial artists wears a shirt). They always end the same way - a 12yo stabbing the biggest dude you have seen to "death". There are always cut tendons that disable arms, legs. There are always stabs to the kidney, to the liver, or going through important arteries. Knives are fucking scary dude.

Oh yeah, i didnt say he would have been stopped without harming the person but in a big crowd of people you will find someone who is willing to sacrifice themselves much faster than 40 minutes.

Not a whole bunch you can do without some kind of polearm or range weapon. At most you can try stabbing him back if you happen to have a knife, but you'll probably both bleed out. More than likely some of those 18 people who were attacked were likely hurt trying to help.

Idk if a liveleaks equivalent still exists, but back in the day you could see the results of unarmed people trying to disarm someone with a knife. It's usually not pretty even if it's a couple people working together.

I think the poles that allow you to pin someone down are prob going to be more common place in places like the UK or Australia .

Mancatchers, and they need to be more common everywhere!!