Guess what my favourite language is: to Programmer – 133 points –

Package manager for biologists and purpose made for data science makes me think of R. But if its true, i never knew you can write inline c++

RCpp is crazy good. You can super easily write Cpp inline with R code, it is easy to use and half of the tidyverse is written in it.

I saw RCpp in my package manager, but I thought that it is not for users and just a dependancy. Maybe I will look into that

Most sane language designers stop at embedding C.

C++ is really taking it up to 11.

Purpose made for Data-science

Uhhh... R?

That, MATLAB, and Python are the only languages I know of used in that field, and it's not MATLAB or Python lol. I don't know anything about R tho

Should've included:
ridiculously good at plotting if you can figure out the correct syntaxes

Also multiple systems included. the old base plotting from the 90s, lattice for really custom things, ggplot as the most humanely understandable and reasonable system for composing plots and great interfaces to plotly and d3.js

It has to be Kepler, my terrible home grown interpreted language that has none of these features!

JK it's gotta be JavaScript

Should include "has duckplyr" which is bad ass in the few weeks I've been using it.

Bruh, this looks cool af. Seriously has me wondering whether I should port my shit from SQLite to duckDB.

I love duckDB, my usual workflow is:

  • initially read my data from whatever source (CSV, relational database somewhere, whatever)
  • write it to one or more parquet files in a directory
  • tell duckdb that the directory is my data source

Then duckdb treats the directory just like a databese that you can build indexes on, and since they're parquet files they're hella small and have static typing. It was pretty fast and efficient before, and duckdb has really sped up my data wrangling and analysis a ton.

Best IDE ever, help pages with references to statistics journal articles, and the most useful feature: pipe()

Also my fav OP :)

Rcpp is probably the best thing to ever exist.

I reject tidyverse though