NewPipe v0.27.0 released to Open – 279 points –
Release v0.27.0 ยท TeamNewPipe/NewPipe



  • Add comment replies
  • Allow reordering playlists
  • Show playlist description and duration
  • Allow resetting settings


  • [Android 13+] Restore custom notification actions
  • Request consent for update check
  • Allow notification play/pause while buffering
  • Reorder some settings


  • [YouTube] Fix comments not loading, plus other fixes and improvements
  • Solve vulnerability in settings import and switch to JSON
  • Various download fixes
  • Trim search text

These are quite significant improvements. I'll still stick to LibreTube though because proxy

Oh sweet. I thought Newpipe stopped development to work on a rewrite, or am I misremembering? Either way, nice to see comments working again.

Possibly that's only about changes to the UI, and this is to the extractor. Afaik newpipe's extractor is used by other projects too, like piped

Thanks for the post. Comments hasn't been loading for like months. Just updated and it's fixed.

Why on earth would you want YouTube comments. That's the best thing about this, switching them off.

Jokes aside, happy for you that something you are using is working again.

Sometimes they're useful. I was watching a tier list of swimming caps and the comments happened to ask decent questions and the author was answering them politely.

Watching something that is useful. Like tutorials on working on cars, PCs etc...

Not all of YouTube is garbage. Some of us like to learn things

I prefer Tubular for reliability+sponsorblock, or LibreTube for Material UI.

Same. Libretube is the first that I check, sometimes doesn't work then I go to Tubular.

There is also PipePipe

Is it updated faster than BraveNewPipe?

Cuz BraveNewPipe has sponsorblock and return YT dislike built-in.

First time hearing of bravenewpipe so I don't know. You can check the git commits and releases though.

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Does anyone know of an active fork with sponsorblock?


Can't seem to find this on f-droid or DDG.

Add this repo to your fdroid client:

It's on the IzzyOnDroid repo, which you can access with Droid-ify, which is a fork of f-droid that uses their repos as well.

Need a fork of an app that replaces a Google app to get a fork of an app that replaces another Google app.

I can use the IzzyOnDroid repo with the regular F-Droid app, am I missing out on or doing anything wrong?

No, I didn't know that because I learned about them at the same time.

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Anyone here know how to disable shorts? I could've sworn there was an option to disable it previously, but I can't find it any more.

Hide the 'Shorts' channel tab:
Settings > Content > Channel tabs > Uncheck 'Shorts'

Hide shorts in feed/subscriptions:
Settings > Content > Fetch channel tabs > Uncheck 'Shorts'

Thanks! I did that, but it doesn't get seem to get rid of them from "trending".

I see. I don't believe there's currently any way to filter kiosk content by type like that. You could open a feature request for it on GitHub if you'd like (assuming one doesn't already exist).

Is it still alive? I switched to LibreTube and happy with it.