Unhappy neighbors. Vacant lots. North Carolina community for ‘Patriots’ off to a rocky start

Klaatu@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 137 points –

Lol. Put together a bunch of armed, uninformed, unhealthy people with anger issues, a shortage of literacy and reasoning facilties and a propensity for individualistic, self centered motivations with delusions of grandeur under freedom of speech and self expression and what do you get? Color me surprised.

We should likely do as much of this as possible.

Seems this could accelerate the problem taking care of itself.

The article points out how fucking absurd the product is. While it's clear who the target market is, the "patriotism" is forced, via restrictive home owners association rules.

It's patriotic, but more in a North Korean sense.

That’s not patriotism. It’s nationalism.

But also with HOA flavoring. How the fuck did they manage to make nationalism worse?

I think it’s hilarious. They build a community under the auspices of freedom and liberty, only to legally bind you to a freedom-restricting HOA agreement. Anybody who buys in that community deserves everything they get from it.

They should set up cameras everywhere and turn it into a reality tv show.

The betting pool on who would end up in camera at the next insurrection, would be busy.

Reminds me of the Citadel in Idaho. Wonder how that experiment went. That place had mandatory firearms.

Lmfao, it's in Gastonia?!? Hahahahaha no wonder it's failing.

So many semantically differing opinions you cant expect anything else