Alan Wake II Has yet to Recoup Development and Marketing Expenses; Tencent Raised Stakes in Remedy to 14%

alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgmod to – 44 points –
Alan Wake II Has yet to Recoup Development and Marketing Expenses; Tencent Raised Stakes in Remedy to 14%

I would have bought it if it hadn't been an Epic exclusive. Maybe when it releases on Steam.

Agreed. I loved the first but I’m not going to install epic for one game

What about something like Heroic Game Launcher? I'm not advocating for Epic, just pointing out that alternatives exist.

So to compensate for a poor service that is epic game launcher you have to turn to oss solution maintained by the community thanklessly while still giving epic the 25% cut of your sale? I'd rather not give epic any money at all

As I previously said, I don't advocate for buying from Epic. But if it happens that you have some games from their Store (for whatever reason, like ones you got for free) there are alternatives to their client.

I primarily play on TV and VR so big picture is already my interface of choice

Edit: does it even support Steam? They’re not advertising it on the FAQ:

Support for launching games from the Epic Games Store and GOG

You add the game in Heroic, and it has a menu option to add the game to Steam. There's another setting that will do this automatically, once the game is installed.

That makes sense 👀 how’s that thumbnail db looking nowadays

I use playknight, though I still don’t buy from epic.

Play knight gives me an overview of all humble keys I haven’t used as well as gog, steam, epic, etc.

Just helps me make sure I don’t buy a game on sale that I own

I'm sure there are many who share that sentiment. I tend to forget games even exist if they're Epic exclusive.

I'll wait for the GOG release, I have Control there already.

I don't particularly hate epic,but ~90% of my games are on steam,so I don't really install the rest cause I don't need to.

that being said,I will buy it when and if it comes to steam. if not,oh well...

I have to assume they did the math and concluded an epic exclusive was still the more lucrative option.

I doubt it will since Epic is the publisher...

Rich dudes got a pissing match... although Gabe did no wrong!

Epic CEO is just salty he didn't come up with the Steam Deck concept first.

I'm convinced they would have done so much better if it hadn't been Epic exclusive. I know more than one person who won't play it on PC because of this.
It's a great game otherwise.

It also likely wouldn't exist if it wasn't an epic exclusive (they funded it). I do wish they could have gotten someone else to publish it of course, but I'm thankful the game exists at all, it's really outstanding

I should buy it, I loved control and I love the recent resident evil games

As someone who also loved those games, I'm confident you'll enjoy AW2 as well

I enjoy the story, the combat is annoying though. When you get injured and can no longer see it's silly. I liked the combat in the first one more.

That's wild. The combat in the first one felt mind numbing to me. Just constant padding with the same flashlight/gun combo over and over and over.

I dropped the first game specifically because of the "combat." I'd give Alan Wake II a try if it was a different mechanic.

I haven't finished it yet, but AW2 is a dramatic step up in the entire experience. They still "pay homage" to the original combat, but there aren't nearly as many enemies. If you're familiar with the Control story and like that universe, I'd say it's a must play.

This made me realize I haven't played it yet. I looked up the sales prices and realized why. It hasn't really gone on sale for a price that I would be comfortable paying. I loved the first one back in the day. I haven't tried control yet. Might give that a go in the meantime

Control is fantastic if you like the Remedy vibe. Not checking it out would be doing yourself a disservice, I think.

I've heard really good things about it. I think it's on ganepass right now so I should probably give it a go

I would have bought it day one if there was a physical release for PS5. With it being digital only, I will wait until it’s in a sale (and probably until it’s on Steam).

It also didn't release as a physical copy. New digital releases in the UK at least are always pretty expensive, whereas with physical copies there's at least a chance of a small discount from a retailer.

Its music level released on YT gave it a lot of exposure. If even that wasn't enough, what hope do we have for an Alan Wake 3 or Control 2 without a crappy tacked-on monetization scheme? Because thats always next if a singleplayer game series doesn't make as much money as the publishers wanted it to.

The headline is kinda misleading. Yes it hasn't recouped costs yet, but they sound confident it will. It's the best performing Remedy game ever released

Edit: misleading maybe not the right word. "Doesn't tell the full story" is probably better