Israel tells U.S. it will punish Palestinian Authority if ICC issues warrants to World – 182 points –

Ffs neither the US or the Palestinian Authority is in charge of the International Criminal Court.

This is just witness intimidation on a scale that also makes it collective punishment.

Which is a war crime.

Let's commit a war crime while we crime on our war crime. Or something, at this point the Israeli government is nuts and should not comnand a pencil, less an army.

Not only are we not party to the ICC, but we've sanctioned ICC officials for attempting to go after the US.

I don't think that Israel is telling the US because of a belief that the US is responsible.

Homer tells Barney he’ll strangle Bart if CPS responds to Ned’s call

Fucking let them! It’s not like that’s not the Israeli plan in the first place. Issue the warrants, arrest and convict the lot of them and end this fucking rock vs a hard place situation that we’ve had for beyond my lifetime

I know, I’m a fucking idiot, but I just can’t understand murder

…like, why?

Nah nah nah boo boo, my God is more gooder than yours.

^ that pretty much sums it up.

Does the PA actually have anything to do with these potential ICC warrants? Or is Israel basically threatening a hostage situation?

it's already a hostage situation. I would love the ICC to state they don't negotiate with terrorists.

The latter.

"if you convict us of war crimes, we'll commit more war crimes"

the PA has no direct involvement in the case

Not even the useless palestinian authority is safe from Israel