Analysis: Trump explains his militaristic plan to deport 15-20 million people | CNN Politics

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.worldmod to politics – 169 points –
Analysis: Trump explains his militaristic plan to deport 15-20 million people | CNN Politics

The guy's talking about concentration clamps for migrants as part of his final solution.

Be scared. Vote.

Remember that he and his cult think that birthright citizenship should not be a thing. If he actually got something like this underway, it would like be expanded far beyond "illegals".

When concentration camps are on the ballot, be prepared to do a little more than vote.

You know how Trump likes to project? First the whole birth certificate thing, and now this. I'm becoming increasingly convinced he is an illegal immigrant.

Oh look, Trump wants to pull a Sunak now. He sure loves plagiarizing the worst ideas from the worst modern politicians in the worst way possible.

You'll have to grow and harvest your own food....

He said it’s ok. He only eats Mac Donald’s and he specifically requests his order with no tomatoes, onions and lettuce to reduce the size as to make it fit in his “perfectly normal, not small” hands.

As for the beef, he knows Jared can bring not just peace to the Middle East, but cows to the plebs as well. They are the secret recipe for trump steaks, which the world just wasn’t ready for back then.

This could unironically be his exact thought process.

US birth rate has been below replacement rate for a decade and a half. Immigration is the ONLY thing keeping the machine going.

Of course the xenophobic dope would have xenophobic dopey ideas.

I'm actually less worried about it now that he's said he has a plan to do it. I haven't read his plan, but I know the way he handles things (and the things his corporate overlords want) means the opposite will probably happen and it'll somehow be worse.

With how many racist fucks exist in USA I fear this will only give Trump more momentum and votes.