Report: Facebook Parent Company Meta has been Censoring and Shadow Banning Pro-Palestinian Accounts to – 307 points –

I'm so fucking tired of this acceptance people have where they treat Meta and Facebook as separate entities. Where, at one point, it was just one entity called Facebook. Facebook doesn't have a parent company, because it's just Facebook. Meta only came into existence because Mark was forced his hand in some monopoly issue or something.

And big surprise, Facebook dictating who can and can't be on it's platform.

mmm, it'll be a cold day in hell before I call them Meta, it's a very transparent attempt to psychologically reset our opinion of them, as if we're all stupid.

It's insulting how thick they think we are.

They're Facebook. Call yourselves "We didn't do evil stuff we're good guys honest" I still won't believe you ...

It's exactly the same thing with Google. Pretending it has a parent company to give this idea that we're not to blame Google for any of the bad shit it does, let's blame this non-existent entity that Google constructed to take some of the heat off.

Except people don't directly refer to Alphabet or make mention of it as much compared to Meta/Facebook.

To me it is ridiculous that companies can even own other companies. The only real purpose of doing so is to play shenanigans with regulations, obfuscate responsibility, and generally deceive.

And for the "corps are people" crowd, owning people is wrong.

Yeah, I don't get it. No one says, "fuck Alphabet for how they're handling YouTube". No one says, "fuck Alphabet for baking spyware into Android and Chrome". No, they criticize Google for that stuff. Why is Facebook different?

I don't think the people doing it now are bots, but I swear the Facebook-Meta separation had to have been started by astroturfing. People seemed way too eager to accept the rebranding and act like Meta was somehow different from Facebook.

Don't worry guys, they banned TikTok so we're gonna be fine /s

I'm pretty sure Meta has been shadow-banning all news related content for years now, and anything related to Palestine is news.

They want you to share cute puppy photos and birthday invitations.

This is not new. A few years ago I was banned for using certain features on Facebook because of the photo of Palestine coins.

I'd assume content would fall into blanket ban territory because it contained heinous or trigger word phrases. I report antisemitic and heinous Maga shit almost daily and never once has one come back and said "we are taking action". It's always "this post did not violate any community blah blah".

Any reference on what is actually being restricted or silenced?

Why do I feel like there is more to this story? These days you apparently can only report what supports your own beliefs.

Just to be clear I'm not taking a stance, I just think the media is more propaganda than news these days