Australia baffled as unidentified mystery object washes up on beach (BBC News) to World – 174 points –
Australia baffled as unidentified mystery object washes up on beach

Chinese underwater weather balloon.

Someone already posted this somewhere. It's a second stage from a rocket (India?). Can't recall the exact one.

"It was a lovely, still night, the kids were digging sand castles around it," he told the ABC.

Good thing it wasn't some sort of explosive! Idiot parents.

Or radioactive ☢️ like in some sad stories of the past.

"It wasn't glowing green like in the movies so we didn't worry!"

Just an exhausted rocket stage. Definitely not explosive.

So probably housing all sorts of dangerous fuels?

Anyone remember the Chinese one that crashed in China a few years back and was super toxic?

Might have residue of hydrazine or other nasty stuff, though. Definitely not safe to be around until it's been checked out.

It’s weird how the “experts” cited in the article defaulted to guessing it’s from an airplane. You’d think they’d default to rocket debris.

Looks very fuel tankish

No, no, must be aliens. Or the emus launched something from their secret underground base.

UFO - - Unidentified Floating Object !

as opposed to an 'identified mystery object', lol

I was truly baffeld how easily it was to identify. Martha, look at this easily identifiable object