To what do blind people jerk off? to – -26 points –



Has nobody ever talked dirty to you? Words can be very powerful, even recorded ones.

I have aphantasia. I'm not blind and could watch porn but I'd much rather just talk it out in my mind lol. I'm imagining my experience is probably similar to that of blind people.

Hey, that's rad. I also have aphantasia, and found out about it from a post on Lemmy, of all places. Legitimately thought I was being pranked until I started asking some real life friends about their mental images. It was like being told that actually, the TV I think I'm watching is just a radio broadcast, and everyone else's is much cooler.

Out of curiosity, what are dreams like for you? Is that also just a stream of sounds without images?

As far as I can tell, I have visual dreams. At least what I remember of them. I've also noticed having internal visual imagery on certain drugs. Mainly hallucinogens, but also on phenobarbital which is used for alcohol withdrawal.

Yes. Some folks find audio just as or even more erotic than video. There's a fairly large and active subreddit for this, (gonewildaudio). Probably more than one.

Humans have other senses besides sight you know? Taste, touch, smell and sound are all heavily involved in sex. And if you can sense them, you can imagine them. Do you need to see your partner to get aroused?

(Also, a majority of blind people have not always been blind, so I imagine many of them still also imagine what someone looks like)

Something like this

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Like this

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There's lots of audio porn. It's very popular especially with women. Dipsea is the biggest one.

Sex starts in the brain.

Ooh! If you haven't listened to something you're both into from a blind person... It's amazing! Turn the damn lights off and listen!

I imagine the answer to this depends greatly on when a person became blind. I assume you're asking about people blind since birth, but that's not all blind people.

I wonder if they ever did the Anne Rice Sleeping Beauty series as audiobooks, because that would probably get you where you want to go. 😆

Edit: They did, because of course they did. From Wikipedia:

In 1994, the abridged audio versions of the first three books were published in cassette form. The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty was read by actress Amy Brenneman. Beauty's Punishment was read by Elizabeth Montgomery (known for her role in the ABC situation comedy Bewitched) as Beauty with Michael Diamond as Tristan, and Beauty's Release was read by Montgomery with actor Christian Keiber reading as Laurent.[2] A compact disc version of the audiobooks was read by Genviere Bevier and Winthrop Eliot.[3]