Do we like Bill Burr now? to – -48 points –

Let me preface this by saying I'm not a fan at all of Bill Burr, but he recently went on Bill Maher's show, and said he was with the students. He's also said some inflammatory things in the past, so I'm not sure. Are we cool with Bill Burr, now?


Who’s “we”, and why do you feel the need to ask them if they like a particular comedian?

Left wingers/Lemmyites.

Second part of the question; is having your opinion validated by the group that important to you?

I think it would be better to ask where he stands on things, confirm the information from multiple sources, and make your own opinion.

I reject that kind of black and white thinking. We don't have to classify people as either "cool" or "uncool", or "good" and "bad". We can criticize one thing someone does, while also praising something else that they do.

This is absolutely correct, let’s not forget how amazing the turnaround was in road network and car industry after Hitler came to power in 1933!

We? Think for yourself.

You either like him or dont like him. Don't let a bunch of faceless online accounts do gatekeeping on your life.

This kind of "checking that I'm still orthodox" post makes my skin crawl. Who is "we"?

I think he's always been a bit of an asshole, but he's a charming asshole and sometimes the things he says are on point. Other times he's just being an asshole though, but I still find that entertaining for the most part.

He's doing a character (like most celebrities).

It might be a schtick, but their public facade never entirely detached from their actual identity. Also, isn't that what everyone does to some extent?

Sure, but it's their livelihood so I bet comedians like Burr are "taking it up a notch", especially on TV/interviews etc. Think about Eric Andre for example. He's probably nothing like his character irl.

I think in general he leans more left than he lets on if that's what you mean.

His podcast when his wife is on (It annoys me that people would find this to be relevant credentials, but she's a POC) shows that he has a pretty healthy world view where he talks crap a lot, but is happy to be told he's an idiot as well, at least by her.

How is that even a question? Bill Burr is a legend.

Also, I collect/watch all of real time. Bill Burr wasn't on any episode this year/season.

What do we have here? It seems OP was referring to Bill Maher’s podcast.

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Im sorry that you feel the need to subject yourself to Bill Mahr in real time.

Don't be, I go to the effort of pirating it each week because I quite enjoy it.

Though watching Kellyanne Conway two episodes ago was quite tedious.

Bill Burr is a surprisingly thoughtful and principled guy with consistently good opinions. He's a comedian, and he doesn't have any theory underpinning his worldview, but I bet if you look at why he's been criticized in the past it's by liberals who are mad that he's being critical of liberals. I'm not at all surprised that he lit up Bill Maher on his boomer-ass Israel-Palestine takes.

He has a lot of good opinions, but not consistently good opinions. He reminds me a lot of how many viewed Russell Brand or maybe Joe Rogan years ago. When good opinions come from a shallow philosophical framework, always expect things to go sideways eventually.

I think he's smart and brave. A lot of smart people won't say what they think because of people everywhere checking on discourses for the smallest fractures getting offended. Smart people, in the end, will choose their battles. Bill Burr is not always on point but he does not shy away from stating his point of view. Sometimes he does it brilliantly. I don't follow the guy as much as a fan or a critic would to know why they like him or why they hate him right now. Seriously, cancelation culture is not constructive.

I like him. Like everyone Burr sometimes have a bad take or two. But overall he's a nice guy.

Sapere Aude, OP. You don't need to outsource your opinions.

What controversies?

He's made a "joke" about motherhood not being a hard job. I've known single mothers and it's a pretty damn hard job.

He hasn't been funny in a long time. I think covid brain broke him because after that he's switched to Podcaster humor and it's insufferable.

I used to listen to his podcast. It was never the podcast i was really looking forward to, but it was a good filler. I havend listened to it in like a year or two, and i don't miss it at all. It was kinda just noise after a while.

The most famous stuff I've heard from him leans very heavily on gay slurs, so I'm not too impressed with him and don't seek his stuff out.

Glad he's right about the student protests, though.

Fuck Bill Barr. His commentary on Bill Maher was centrist at best. I'll never forgive him for the other fucked up shit he said, or at least until he actually apologises (spoiler: he won't).