US hints at support for sanctions over ICC warrants on Israel to World – 127 points –
US hints at support for sanctions over ICC warrants on Israel

The US is ready to nuke what's left of international law in order to protect a couple of criminals.

That are ready to bring us back to the era of the League of Nations just so that Bibi fucking Netanyahu doesn't go to trial.

Canada, the EU, and a bunch of other Western countries are signatories to the treaty of Rome. What do they have to say about this bullying behaviour of the US government?

Canada, the EU, and a bunch of other Western countries are signatories to the treaty of Rome. What do they have to say about this bullying behaviour of the US government?


(Canada's) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau opted against taking a stance on a push from the International Criminal Court to prosecute the Israeli prime minister and Hamas leaders over the war in the Gaza Strip Tuesday. Source

So yeah ... crickets.

The US nuking international law to protect a handful of criminals has been a matter of explicit policy since the Hague Invasion Act of 2002.

Yes, warcrime enthusiasts, I know it has a PR-friendly name that you would rather I use, but I'm not going to do your whitewashing for you. Cry about it.

It's wild because the ICC is giving Israel and the US a really wide, clear way out of the mess. All it costs is one war criminal and they can get out of this fucking death spiral.

Yea, US, can you just fucking not be a petulant child.

Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said the court's allegations are "significant" and the US must support its work as it has done on past occasions, including in the case of Libya.

"The application for arrest warrants is merely the beginning of a judicial process," she wrote in a statement on Monday.

"The ICC has been a functioning court – it has seen convictions, acquittals, and dismissals, as we would expect from an impartial and non-political judicial body."

Only clear headed response in the article.

It’s this kind of shit that makes the US an illegitimate custodian of global order

Rules for Vlad, but none for Bibi? What a joke.

They aren’t even waiting to hear out the case put forth to the judicial tripartite before threatening ‘rebuke’ or sanctions

The US foreign policy never was about "fair", "just", or "democratic".

It was always about commercial and military self-interest. Whether they removed or installed a tinpot dictator, the wellbeing of the locals was never an issue.

Oh my god. Everyone just download the “no thanks” app and sanction Israel so they no longer have the financial means to bribe the us government to support its genocide.

I looked at it and despaired how intertwined Israel is in the global economy. A full boycott will be a real sacrifice. You'd be surprised how wide ranging their influence is.

Yeah, you'd pretty much have to avoid whole categories of products, and be primarily thinking about Israel any time you shop.

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At least the world can start to open its eyes, to see the wall of lies the west has built around these institutions. They've been hailed as beacons of international justice while working only in the interests of the ones that built them, and now that they're no longer working as intended, now that they're no longer just for African warlords and enemies of the west, now these institutions are to be disposed of.

It really speaks volumes on how important the "rules based international order" really is to those that wield the power.

The Cold War never ended, it just became multipolar and (usually) more subtle.

This is a completely unnecessary mask off moment for an administration that will do anything to avoid the leadership of a fascist apartheid regime seeing consequences for their many crimes against humanity.

Just like Reagan's alliance with Apartheid South Africa, Biden and his administration are clearly on the wrong side of history and, also just like with Reagan's support for the original Apartheid regime, the establishment press is likely going to sweep it under the proverbial rug once the apartheid regime is dismantled, if that ever happens.

Note in case of whataboutism: Yes, i know that a Trump administration would be just as bad if not worse (if that's even possible at this point, short of US boots on the ground in support of the Israeli apartheid regime) with regards to the ongoing genocide and would definitely be worse in just about every other way as well.

That the alternative is worse doesn't excuse the despicable behavior of the CURRENT administration, though.