Donald Trump to surrender at Fulton county jail on Thursday night to politics – 418 points –
Donald Trump to surrender at Fulton county jail on Thursday night

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I think the biggest news we'll get out if this is his actual weight being recorded instead of a clean bill of health by a fake doctor.

They don't actually weigh you in jail. They just use whatever's on your ID. Ask me how I know.

you have your weight on your ids?!

I'm from the USA and yes, my ID lists my weight at the time I got it.

What kind of ID are you talking about? I'm in the US, too, and never heard of it.

Edit: Seems it depends on your state.

and you told the truth?

I did. Why not? It's not like anyone is ever looking at the weight on your ID anyway. Didn't really have a reason to lie.

And you think someone with the Olympic-level of narcissism that Trump has put their real weight on there? That's really the point

He's done this three times now. He'll just pay his bond and leave. They aren't going to fingerprint or give him a mugshot or anything because everyone in the world can pick his orange ass out of a crowd.

When he's not wearing his spray tan, lifts or that combover I guarantee nobody will recognise him.

I was hoping it’d be more like the jail scene from Guardians of the Galaxy, but I understand that's a bit overzealous.

In a just world he'd be marched down the street, Game of Thrones-style (for the love of god, fully clothed), getting pelted by all sorts of gross shit, to the gallows, where a very "still drunk" executioner was waiting, Tudors-style. But given this fucker has skirted all accountability, that's just the dream of sand that's constantly falling through my hands.

I mean they said they would. Also the mugshots of the co-defendants that have already surrendered have been released by now, so it would be weird if he gets a special treatment.

Hey, you're talking about a sitting congressman who I suspect had no reason to say those things about a very not-corrupt, bestest toddler 👶(president), to help get that position.