Donald Trump to surrender at Fulton county jail on Thursday night to politics – 418 points –
Donald Trump to surrender at Fulton county jail on Thursday night

I think the biggest news we'll get out if this is his actual weight being recorded instead of a clean bill of health by a fake doctor.

They don't actually weigh you in jail. They just use whatever's on your ID. Ask me how I know.

you have your weight on your ids?!

I'm from the USA and yes, my ID lists my weight at the time I got it.

and you told the truth?

I did. Why not? It's not like anyone is ever looking at the weight on your ID anyway. Didn't really have a reason to lie.

And you think someone with the Olympic-level of narcissism that Trump has put their real weight on there? That's really the point

What kind of ID are you talking about? I'm in the US, too, and never heard of it.

Edit: Seems it depends on your state.

He's done this three times now. He'll just pay his bond and leave. They aren't going to fingerprint or give him a mugshot or anything because everyone in the world can pick his orange ass out of a crowd.

When he's not wearing his spray tan, lifts or that combover I guarantee nobody will recognise him.

I was hoping it’d be more like the jail scene from Guardians of the Galaxy, but I understand that's a bit overzealous.

In a just world he'd be marched down the street, Game of Thrones-style (for the love of god, fully clothed), getting pelted by all sorts of gross shit, to the gallows, where a very "still drunk" executioner was waiting, Tudors-style. But given this fucker has skirted all accountability, that's just the dream of sand that's constantly falling through my hands.

Omg keep going with the first part. What happens next?

I mean they said they would. Also the mugshots of the co-defendants that have already surrendered have been released by now, so it would be weird if he gets a special treatment.

Hey, you're talking about a sitting congressman who I suspect had no reason to say those things about a very not-corrupt, bestest toddler πŸ‘Ά(president), to help get that position.

The public demands that his mugshot and photos of him in cuffs and in an orange jumpsuit are released.

Seeing him stripped of his fancy suit is the equivalent to what the Allies did to the emperor of Japan at the end of WW2. Before and during the war, the people of japan saw their emperor nearly as a god figure. Easy to justify the idea of kamikaze missions and not surrendering and not admitting defeat if they are in defense of a deity. When Japan lost, the Allies quickly moved to portray the emperor as just another regular old person to kill off that "god-like" image of the emperor's.

With how so many MAGAts see Trump as their lord emperor since they have been blinded by images of him with his jets and fancy suits and gold-plated toilet, seeing him in prison outfit can help crush Donald's image of being rich, powerful and untouchable.

Remember folks: We aren't fighting a war of reality here. Image (real or otherwise) is just as important as the facts.

The only problem with this is that the Trump campaign will probably rush to use that photo themselves in their materials. I mean they already put a fake mugshot on campaign tshirts, they won't hesitate to use the real one. You know the base will eat it up.

There are different levels of delusion. There are some core supporters that won't change their minds no matter what. But that doesn't represent the entire Republican Party. All we have to start doing is start chipping away at those on the edges. Those that voted for him, but maybe lost a few relatives to COVID and now that the adrenaline of chanting "lock her up" has passed, they are realizing that they lost their job and all their family is on their case. It isn't an all-or-nothing situation. Some of these people can indeed wake up from the mass hysteria.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Donald Trump is expected to surrender at the Fulton county jail on Thursday evening on racketeering and conspiracy charges over his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia, according to two people briefed on the matter.

The former president – seeking to distract from the indignity of the surrender by turning things into a circus – in essence had his lawyers negotiate the booking to take place during the prime viewing hours for the cable news networks.

Trump has posted on his Truth Social platform that he would be arrested on Thursday, but the prime-time scheduling was finalized in recent days after his lawyers met with the Fulton county district attorney, Fani Willis, at her office on Monday.

Trump returned to his instinct to maximize television ratings to his benefit for his surrender to authorities in Atlanta, the people said, and could extend the coverage of the proceedings by speaking afterwards in front of cameras and reporters.

At the Rice Street jail north-west of downtown Atlanta, where defendants charged in Fulton county are typically taken, the booking process involves a mug shot, fingerprinting and having height and weight recorded.

Trump could face major difficulties with that argument, however, since he would have to show that taking steps to change the outcome of the 2020 election in Georgia amounted to him acting in his official capacity as president, legal experts have said.

The original article contains 574 words, the summary contains 239 words. Saved 58%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

You've got a bit of a non-sequitur in the transition between the last two paragraphs, bot.

Interestingly Thursday also just happens to be garbage night.

Makes sense to quash the Republican debate reactions. Even if someone breaks out it'll be news for pretty much just Wednesday.

The smart move would be for just every single one of them to spend the whole debate dunking on him. Then the next day he goes to jail like a wounded puppy (of they sent wounded puppies to jail....I lost the metaphor).

But they won't. Because they're cowards.

I have seen this on no less than 5 other instances and all i can say is: sttaaaaahp, I can only get so hard!

I wonder if America will collapse again.

Over Trump? Fat chance.

If Trump ordered his supporters to rise up, it would be over in 24 hours. These people have never met actual resistance in their lives.

Wish they would rise up so we can squash their asses. I want those in Congress to rise up to so we can round up them too. The whole freedom cacus are nothing but fucking traitors.

Jan 6 was the best they could do.

Can't decide on replies;

  • No I meant because dat ass of his.
  • I meant another year of protests and riots.

What protests and riots? What happened on J6 was orchestrated by him when he was still the president. If we don't want anything like that again it's better he is in jail.