Biden Mocks House Republicans Over Impeachment Inquiry: ‘Lots of Luck!’

Flying to politics – 626 points –
Biden Mocks House Republicans Over Impeachment Inquiry: ‘Lots of Luck!’

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Hilarious. You could do better than Biden, America, but I respect this reaction more than the incessant screaming of the toddler you had before.

Biden was the concession. Few really wanted him. The rest just knew he was white and vanilla enough to alienate as few swing voters as possible.

Anything to get trump out of office.

And now we're gonna fuckin do it again.

Better than the alternative.

Desantis may actually be worse. He's probably got a few more IQ points.

The last thing y'all need is a clever fascist in the Whitehouse.

I don’t buy the he’s a “smart trump” argument. His presidential bid was an obvious mistake that could have never ended any other way. But he did it anyway out of ego and narcissism. He’s not a smart trump, he’s trump without the charisma or timing.

Desantis doesn't have the charisma to replace Trump.

This is one of the few upsides of cults of personality; almost by definition they are not replicable.

I do wonder what would happen to all the Trumptards if he were to die before the next election. Where would they go? Who would they support?

I wouldn't be surprised if they call his death a liberal conspiracy and raid the capitol again.

Agree. I also think that it's inevitable that when he dies, leaving aside the fact of his old age and poor health, it will necessarily result in a cataract of deeply stupid conspiracy theories.

This is the world we live in, unfortunately.

That's the problem. We never get anyone to vote for. We're just voting against Trump and Desantis.

I voted against Trump last election. This time I'm voting for Biden. He's done way more than most people ever expected of him, with a razor thin Senate majority too.

Heck, if you like labor unions, the Biden administration has done a lot more for ya than the Greens have.

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Do we have a real choice?

I don't think we do.

If the choice is between a precariously old octogenarian and a completely unhinged authoritarian octogenarian who doesn't believe in democracy, I guess I know which way I'll vote every time.

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To be honest, neither Biden nor any other politician should receive praise or respect for behaving this way, for it is the bare minimum that's expected from them.

We're just used to the craziness of the other side. Anyone behaving like the Republicans during the GW Bush era or earlier would have been ostracized from the political landscape.

So, don't feel respect for the expected decency of a politician. Feel rage for the indecent one, and show it with your votes!

I would, but I’m Canadian.

I don't get you're trying to imply by you being Canadian... are your politicians better or worse than the American ones?

Edit: I get it now.

I’m implying that I can’t vote in America; I have no disagreements with your comment otherwise.

America voted in Trump so there’s that.

We actually didn't, he lost the popular vote in 2016, the electoral college allowed him to win anyway

You sure about that? Did you see the numbers in the last election?

Yeah I’m pretty sure I respect a man that brushes off unfounded allegations more than one that cries like a toddler when caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Election numbers have no bearing on my respect for a person.

My comment wasn't about the respect. It was about Americans ability to do better.

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