Source: President Mahmoud Abbas cancels planned meeting with President Biden after hospital strike to World – 272 points –
Source: President Mahmoud Abbas cancels planned meeting with President Biden after hospital strike

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The IDF claims this was caused by a mid-fire of Hamas rockets. Both sides have provided the exact same amount of evidence, zero. Maybe wait before hoping back on the anti-Israel bandwagon.

If you're going to repost this random guess, at least fix your typo between copy paste.

Yes, that is exactly what was implied by the first four words of my comment. Maybe learn to read before jumping on the pro-Israel bandwagon.

Why are you pasting this exact same comment on any threads where the Israeli narrative is questioned? I'm trying to figure out if you're part of a Mossad information op, or just a naive Fox News viewer.

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Here is the video of the bombing.

The video doesn't show what caused the exposition.

Put the sound on and tell me without any shame that it's rockets.

If it isn't a rocket, then WTF is the sound before the explosion?

Yeah, with sound on the story is quite different. I had it muted last night.

That said, the value of any photographic or video evidence has gone down for a long time, especially now with AI. Even without that, tampering with a video's sound has always been trivial.

So I'm generally skeptical of any such evidence, no matter which side it comes from. Moreso when we're talking about war, where truth is the first casualty and manipulating the public opinion is very much part of any strategy.

It's unfortunate, because real people are suffering and I'm here sitting comfortably and raising an eyebrow because I can't trust the reports about it.

Video AI is a long way from a video like that. Images? Yeah possible. Video ai? Maybe next year.

Unfortunately, USInt seems to have arrived at the conclusion that nobody was right.

Israel didn't do it, but neither did Hamas. It would seem that the bombing was carried out by an entirely different militia of Jihadi Palestinians, which if true could indicate that these were Boko Haram types that blew the thing because modern medical science is "too western"

God yeah sure bro it's just a different group of islamist terrorists look I know Israel is blitzing social media with lies but can you take that money and at least come up with something a little more believable? Like if you're going to treat us all to genocide propaganda do a better job

Do you think Hamas are the only Mujahedeen operating out of Palestine?

Bro Hamas isn't even that popular with islamists because they're shia and work so much with other shia.

That's like the entire reason they go so nuts trying to look tough all the time, because all the Sunni Mujahedeen are also active and waiting for the chance to overtake them.

Groups like the Lion Den are only disregarded because they don't have the faux-legitimacy of state Hamas does, even though they actually perform better against Israeli police and military in skirmishes.

It's always the fuckin' Bougeyeviks with these "I don' know shit about the people I'm fetishizin'" takes.

Okay you all told me that this was a hamas rocket misfire and when people pointed out the damage is inconsistent with Hamas weapons now it's the lion den that has infiltrated Gaza, brought over better munitions then misfired those munitions into a hospital that Israel has repeatedly threatened (and they lied about previously targeting hospitals) and I'm the naive one?

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