GAZA: 3,195 children killed in three weeks surpasses annual number of children killed in conflict zones since 2019 to World – 667 points –

Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and 29 in Israel, according to the Ministries of Health in Gaza and Israel respectively. The number of children reported killed in just three weeks in Gaza is more than the number killed in armed conflict globally – across more than 20 countries – over the course of a whole year, for the last three years.


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I can just pray that war stops asap, cant see innocents dying...

Let’s pray for hamas immediate surrender and release of the hostages. EDIT: looks like the tankies are backing hamas.

Let's hope Hamas releases the hostages and the state with one of the strongest military in the world backed by the most powerful nation in the world stop bombing kids that they have crammed into a tiny strip of land, and start working only actually solving the root of problem. Hamas' greatest recruiter and radicaliser is Israel. The only side with the power to stop these atrocities from continuing for decades to come is Israel.

They are not bombing kids. they are bombing terrorists.

EDIT: TinyPizza, I am not affected by hamas propaganda so I'm not confused, I don't need to reorient to align with hamas.

Sir. You might be lost. Could you please look at the title of the post and reorient yourself to your surroundings.

What a trash can of a heart you must have to call literal children for terrorists just because they were born on the wrong side of a border.

It's possible to be against Hamas' terrorist attacks and still have sympathy with the innocent civilians in Palestine you know?

I don’t conflate having sympathy with accusing israel of bombing children. They didn’t consider the children as targets they were collateral damage. But I can see how you feel they actually aimed for the children.

They didn’t consider the children as targets they were collateral damage.

As if the Israel military aren't aware and don't care about the "collateral" damage. One atrocity doesn't excuse another.

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

Sure thing, that doesn't justify bombing civilians

I'm sure that Israel wants to hear about the viable alternatives no one is able to come up with so far. Let's hear it.

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After Hamas' actions on the 7th I don't see Israel stepping back. Their previous attempts at curtailing Hamas were already under criticism for not going far enough, and that was before the largest attack in decades had occurred

A couple of videos I watched on the subject seem to clearly point at Israel being the aggressor. The existence of Hamas was directly caused by persistent aggression from the Isreali government.

Fantastic Videos, and yes Israel has given more than enough cause for Palestinians to act against them. But none of them excuse the crimes that Hamas have committed both on Oct 7th and in the past as well

Idk, I think decades of serious suffering, oppression, and the looming threat of the annihilation of your people seems like just about as much justification as one could have. I feel like, to say otherwise is to tell the palestinians to shut up and take their genocide with a smile. Peace negotiations have and will get them nowhere, violence, as extreme as they can muster, is the only option they have left. Yet, it pales in comparison to what can be done back to them, and without intervention the state of palestine and its people will cease to be.

Hamas aren't doing it for the Palestinian people, they aren't the Palestinian liberators. Just tools to be used by aggressive Islamic nations like Iran to attack a Jewish state. Doesn't mean Palestinians aren't going Hamas in order to do such a thing but they then just become pawns in a conflict between two very right wing, authoritarian, theocratic sides.

yes genocide as a response to genocide is the only solution /s

Is that really how you read my comment, and the situation? Hamas couldn't genocide shit, even if they wanted to. These countries, these people, are not on even ground. And if Hamas didn't do something extreme, we wouldn't be talking about it, no one would give a shit, and they'd go quietly into the history books like so many before them.

You are not a psychic, you can make any prediction you want but it will never achieve clairvoyance

Mass violence is NEVER a counter to mass violence

Was nothing learned from the non-violence movements?

The people of Gaza tried to protest in a non violent march in 2018. The IDF responded by shooting thousands of civilians including women, children, and journalists.

non violent march in 2018 "Most of the demonstrators demonstrated peacefully far from the border fence.. Nevertheless, groups consisting mainly of young men approached the fence and committed acts of violence directed towards the Israeli side" (

And they will need to keep approaching Nonviolence. It is the only solution that is viable for a long lasting peace

Apartheid is maintained through violence. If you want a non-violent solution to the conflict then Israel has to stop violently enforcing its apartheid system. Palestinians have no say in that decision.

We don’t even need a counterfactual to prove it. Gaza without Hamas would just be the West Bank. People in the West Bank are still suffering under the violence of Israeli occupation and have been for decades.

You don't know I'm not psychic.

There you go equating again.

Sometimes nonviolence works, but not always. Sometimes it works in spectacular ways, like the oppressed vanish and then there is no more oppression. Nonviolent movements have existed and had grown quite large in palestine, yet here we are.

Edit: I will say, this sounds nice:

Quietly into the history books, as the world's first country of Palestine

The actual looming threat that Hamas attacked over was the PA enacting a two-state solution with Israel.

Hamas doesn't care about Palestinians at all

Fuck off.

Netanyahu said “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. 1 Samuel 15:3 ‘Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass’," .

You keep quacking like a nazi duck man...

You're dumb as fuck lol

That was some weak shit in answer to bibi declaring genocide. I'm not even gonna bother with a downvote for that lack of effort.

He says, unironically, on an article about 3000 dead children. Gross.
How many children do you think the critics will accept as enough? Or does that number not matter because they aren't Israeli children?

Its a war I don't know what the fuck you want

Literally the post we are on:

The number of children reported killed in just three weeks in Gaza is more than the number killed in armed conflict globally – across more than 20 countries – over the course of a whole year, for the last three years.

I want them to stop the wholesale slaughter of kids. This barbarism is not how a "just" war is conducted, and especially not a "defensive" one.

Stop reposting obvious Hamas lies.

To repeat what I said to your statement higher up:
A 100 year old charity whose goal is to save children from war is a terrorist group Hamas? Are you ok?

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what the fuck you want

It's weird how they still class things as war crimes, despite everything being totally okay as you say.

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The killing of kids is terrible

Israel's goal of Hamas' destruction makes it unavoidable

Without a change in Gaza further attacks from Hamas are unavoidable

And unless there is a government in Israel that stops the settlement and incursions of Radical Israelis in the west bank there will be no peace

There is no true and just change here at this time that fixes everything

Israel’s goal of Hamas’ destruction makes it unavoidable

"We did nothing to prevent the reckless deaths of twenty times the number of innocents and we're all out of ideas"

He says, unironically, on an article about as he justifies 3000 dead children. Gross.

He says, unironically as he justifies the beheading of children. Gross. /s

See how that sounds? Stop misappropriating people's character

Yeah, wheres the evidence of that? I know exactly just how it sounds. It sounds like a poor excuse for the murder 0f 3000 children. You do you though. I don't go around trying to soften mass child murder.

Legit the most sane person I saw on this platform.

Congrats on not being brainwashed.

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