‘Pipe down’: Biden allies step up calls for Dems to rally around president

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 172 points –
‘Pipe down’: Biden allies step up calls for Dems to rally around president

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I only voted for Biden because it was against Trump. I cannot believe with both being near 80, and one facing life in prison, we're doing this same shit again. I don't care. I'm not voting. Give me any reason this makes my life better. Otherwise, let it burn.

Reason number 1: You don't want to live in a hellish dictatorship.

You have two options here: vote for an old guy who did some good stuff or actively or passively vote for fascism.

Yeah, but he's old, and he's not the purity pony that I wanted!!!!

So....both sides are just as bad! Let it burn!


purity pony

You're really trying to make this a thing, aren't you?

No, it's already "a thing".

Cool. Who else is using such a stupid childish moniker for voters that Democrats need but would rather insult?

It's all over the 'net for at least a decade and a half. And these types are well known for checking out when their special candidate was not selected (see: some of the "bernie bros") for the general, and then actively work against the party, or tell everyone to vote for Jill Stein or some other destructive type of behavior...

Note, this is a sombunall kind of thing - not all people that wanted bernie then later work against the party. Just like the PUMAs did not do this. Some people might call me a bernie bro or a purity pony as I'd much rather the party was more progressive, but that would be an incorrect usage.

It’s all over the 'net for at least a decade and a half.

First I heard it was you using it in as many comments as possible in this thread.

not all people that wanted bernie then later work against the party. Just like the PUMAs did not do this.

As a matter of fact, the latter worked against the party in greater proportion than the former. And Sanders' supporters didn't form a PAC to fundraise for the Republican candidate. Clinton's supporters did exactly that in 2008. And then turned around and screamed at everyone to vote blue no matter who.

Well, I don't think the worst behaviors of PUMAs was the least bit helpful, either. Any more than the dumbest of the Bernie Bros (even though I'd much rather have Bernie in there than either Obama, Clinton, or Biden)...trying to put a stick in the spokes of the party because the front runner was not your personal choice is just so unhelpful.

Well, I don’t think the worst behaviors of PUMAs was the least bit helpful, either.

And I think "Party Unity My Ass" followed by "vote blue no matter who" is the absolute height of hypocrisy.

I expect to have more than two options on my ballot.

Then vote for people who think the same or if you live in a state that allows the population to introduce laws start that process.

I do not care. It's hell either way. If anything, the only other option besides hellish dictatorship been promised is not as hellish but slower burning dictatorship.

What ever happen to that student loan forgiveness. Gonna run on that again. Oh I promised last time but this time I pinky promise no take backsies cross my heart.

Fuck off. Let it burn.

You do realise that if more people would have voted for democrats, student loan loan forgivness would have been granted?

But yeah, a society without any social safety net, without rights for minorities, with a stupid state religion and 1000 other horrible things is just as bad as people who in the best case change things and worst case don't make the US worse.

if more people would have voted for democrats, student loan loan forgivness would have been granted

you can't prove that.

No I can't. But you can't prove that they wouldn't either.

With more democrats DC could be a state for example (Biden approves of that), abortian access could be written in law and student loans could be partially forgiven.
But unless you vote, we will never know.

What I know is that Biden DID something about student loans though. For example there is a new repayment plan that does not allow any interest and therefore allows to actually pay off your student loans.
But yeah, that's probably norhing acording to you.

You do realise that if more people would have voted for democrats, student loan loan forgivness would have been granted?

Oh come on. They would do what they always fucking do. They'd find just enough no votes.

Then vote them out in the next primaries or unionize and strike. You have more power than you think.

You have more power than you think.

I'm in Texas. Don't lie to me.

37.06% of voting age population turned out to the 2022 gubernatorial election if 4% more voters that would have voted democrat would have turned up, Texas would now have a democratic governor, but sure you don't have any power.

If you vote and enough others can get out there and vote you can change a state but if you just sit home and do nothing, nothing will happen.

Great. I already vote in every election and primary. In the primaries, party leadership heavily supports anti-choice anti-labor pro-nra candidates like Cuellar. When their efforts to shut progressives out at the primary level fail, they pull the rug out from under them by withholding funding like they did with Vallejo.

Don't lecture me for not being as happy as you are with a party that fights progressives and not Republicans.

Have you tried becoming a State Delegate and influencing the Party Chair? That's a way to influence who gets to decide about supporting whom, isn't it?

I love how centrists' answer to anyone pointing out the party's anti-progressive fuckery is "you're just not doing enough!"

I am definitely not a centrist. I am left and that in Europe but I have enough of people just always blaming others for not getting anything done. This is exactly what happens everywhere right now: People trying to convince voters that their votes don't matter and that will just lead to conservatives, fascists and far-right parties to win. Because they vote all the time.

Oh, you're from Europe?

Cool. Everything wrong with Europe is your fault because you're not involved enough.

Shit, if more people voted in the primaries Bernie would have had a stronger hand to negotiate policy if not having been the nominee either time.

But these fucksticks have the gall to wonder why people who aren't them are not voting the way they would for them.

Millennials and Gen Z could be dominating the primary process and yet underperform their share of the overall population, let alone the share they could easily take up in the democratic party if they didn't have to be dragged kicking and screaming to mark some squares on a ballot.

It will be so much worse under fascism. You might not be wild about Biden but if the alternative is fascism...when you say let it burn, that means a lot - and I mean a lot - of people will be harmed, most likely including you.

I think Biden is a fascist.

Ever heard of Hitler or Mussolini? You should read up on them and then consider your words again.

Mussolini is exactly who I was thinking of.

Oh boy! What kind of stuff did you take to think that Biden is comparable to a treacherous mass-murderer with a god complex?

Not getting student loan relief is a maintaining of the status quo, not a "hellish dictatorship". In fact, having the Congress and Courts strike down student loan relief is the POLAR OPPOSITE of a dictatorship.

So fuck the status quo, burn the college debt. I don't even have any, I was smart enough to get full scholarships.

A lot of it isn't what people are smart enough to do, lots of people get tricked into loans they can't pay back.

When our kid went to college, 3 separate schools wanted us taking out loans of $56,000 a year... $224,000 for a 4 year degree...

We told them "Yeah, no..." and enrolled him at a state school for $10K a year, where he had a $5k per year scholarship. I paid the remaining $5K cash.

But I could see other parents, after getting 3 schools telling them the same oddly specific number "Well, I guess that's what school costs!"

But people are still going to stalk my profile and down vote literally every comment I've ever posted regardless of what I agree with you about. Look for yourself if you don't believe me, you're free to view and vote just like those people.

I truly appreciate you being open to discussion, we just can't do it without others putting their uninvolved vote into what they're to scared to confront.

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Attitudes like this honestly piss me off more than conservatives. You didn't get the options you wanted, so you decided to just give up, take your ball, and go home. Grow the hell up. We don't quit just because shit looks bleak, we keep on pushing until we can see the sun poking through the clouds, because that is the only way we will ever see it. If we give in to despair now, we will never get there. Even if it seems pointless, or like things aren't getting better, I can guarantee you it can always, ALWAYS be worse. And THAT is your reason to vote.

I'm sorry if that reason isn't as optimistic as you were hoping for, but that's the reality that we live in. And it will never get better if we just bitch about unfairness and bury our heads in the sand. If we want things to get better, we need to make them better. And that starts with you. Please, be better than this. I know you have it in you.

Things are getting worse even with voting though. Voting just makes them slightly less worse.

Then get everyone you know to vote, join a union, organize, strike in the worst case. Voting is not your only option.

And for the people for whom that difference is life and death, your apathy is nothing short of collaboration in their murder.

People will die no matter what I choose. They’ll die from failed abortions in Texas or they’ll die from Israeli bombs in Gaza. The world is shit and has gotten worse despite me voting as often as I can.

And yet it will get even worse if you don't, and it will be your fault for not doing so.

When you have the choice between bad and not as bad, letting bad win puts the responsibility for that on your shoulders.

You don't get to call yourself an ally if you don't commit to the work of harm mitigation.

If you choose to not even do the minimum amount of work of solidarity, you are the white moderate Dr. King railed about in Birmingham.

All the frilly talk of supporting the cause with none of the action to back it up. Having to be bullied shamed and yelled at for the soul crushing Herculean task of standing in a line to fill a form out.

I do not care. You're bitching more than I am. Grow up and live your life free of internet nonsense like I am.

No, actually they're really not. You just don't like someone arguing against you.

free of internet nonsense like I am.

Then why are you here?

Because they're sooooo edgy and cool. I don't understand why "I am actively hostile to everyone around me and want to prevent any positive change" is how someone wants to experience life, but there it is. They can't be free of any nonsense, nonsense is literally all they are.

To watch it burn

The fact that you'll be watching is why the people who'll be burning will remember your name as a collaborator in what is done to them.

Grow up and live your life free of internet nonsense like I am.

Bruh I keep seeing your name pop up multiple times in this thread and you're always complaining about getting downvoted as if it matters or something.

You sound insufferable to be around and your comments read like someone who is compulsively online and just figured out how to base their personality around an edgelord DnD character.

Seriously in one comment someone asked why you're even here and you responded with "let it burn" or "watch it burn" or some variation of that. Straight up same energy as saying I brood in a dark corner of the tavern lol. Get that 2010 edgelord cringe out of here man. Take your ass to a gym and get out of that nihilistic funk

The world may have a gun pointed at its head but that don't mean you need to give it the ammo

I live in memes. I exist to piss you off. But you'll never realize this. You want to be angry. You need someone to be mad about. Have fun, I am.

I live in memes

Oh no, this isn't your average everyday cringe, this is... ADVANCED CRINGE!

lol, you sound like a tool bro, and not even a good one. More like one of those shitty allen wrenches that is tossed in the back of a drawer and is always too small or too large to fit anything.

Seriously bro, do yourself a favor, disconnect from the computer and hit the gym or find a hobby. This 2010 edgelord stuff is hilarious if you're a troll. But kinda sad if you're not trolling

As someone who has elderly in-laws, as someone who has a child, as someone who doesn’t want to inflict suffering on others regardless if they are a “shit lib” or an aging maga voter, I don’t see any utility in letting it “burn”. You don’t recover from this. If you want to see how that works, look at Russia. People are just resound to the fact that this is the best they could look forward to. After decades of government control, people just wilt and accept it as the new normal. It’s not fun. It’s not heroic. It’s just sad.

My family fled Russia in the 1980s prior to the collapse because my family saw bad getting worse. This could easily happen to the U.S. I don’t get how helping fuel this with apathy results in anything better.

As someone who's father was drafted into Vietnam against his will, someone who's never been able to have lasting relationships or children, been in debt for the education and career I was told was necessary to sacrifice my potential to have a family for to stop never ending war and economic crisis. We thought I got out because I didn't need a GI bill like my father.

Everyone thinks the US is so good. I'm not discounting want you've experience. But you don't know motown, or south side Chicago, or any or these things in implying. The same way I don't know your struggle.

Nothing you said has much relevance to what I said. I wasn’t talking about my struggle or yours for that matter. I was trying to offer an explanation of where things could be heading if we elect republicans. The result of which will impact the people who the need the most help. Not once did I mention the U.S. being good. Nor did I make any references to things being ok. But things can get significantly worse.

It’s fine if you don’t care. I just hope your level of empathy is not contagious because unfortunately, despite how awful Biden has been on many policies, it could get so much worse. And I have too many important people in my life to casually give up.

If I had the talent, I’d be running for local office to try and make some significant changes. Since I don’t, I will do my best to vote for the most left wing folks into office in the hopes that we can empower them to change from within.

I don't think we're understanding each other, it's neither of our faults. We're trying to talk about something deeply complex through a few text comments on the internet.

I appreciate you taking the time to try and convey what you feel the best you can. That is what I want. Unfortunately, lemmy is even worse about people disagreeing with you and down voting your entire profile. I now have people commenting on meme threads yelling at me about this. People here have too much time to be legal stalkers.

Another point of how far left drives away anyone who isn't a extreme as them. And you wonder why I've given up.

Literally 30 seconds and I'm downvoted. Really hurting fee fees today. Grow up.

Holy shit I can farm down votes by replying to myself because people are sooooo butthurt. Reddit 2.0 here we go!!!!

3 replies deep and I'm still getting down votes. Come on incels, your cults are stronger.

Points gun at dick

Shouts menacingly: I’ll fucken do it!

If only it was their OWN dick that these people were pointing a gun at...

I'm sorry, I thought this was America. Cannot not castrate myself fully a full auto?

In this case, it's not about either choice making your life better, it's about one choice actively making your life worse vs. Joe "nothing will fundamentally change" Biden.

Under Trump, the US will become a failed state:



When did the Democrats become the status quo party? 🤔

I don't agree with Republicans. Its not one side vs the other. Grow up, embrace a more than 2 part state.

If you think any third party has a shot when the Democratic party and the Republican party control the debate schedule, you have no business calling anyone else a child.

The next Predident will be from one of the two major parties, so will the one after that... and after that.

Voting for a 3rd party who gets between 1 and 5% of the vote will not change that, any more than writing in a candidate will. All you will do is throw away your vote.

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