Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (-13F) outside. to Mildly – 715 points –

That massive spike of 50c/kWh at the left looks tiny compared to today even though that's already insanely expensive


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How are you using 21kWh/day heating a small home? Do you have any insulation at all?

Probably because it's about -35C outside.

Dude is basically living on the set of The Thing at this point.

That's a perfectly normal number for any home that isn't very new and perfectly insulated.

My 37sqm appartment needs approximately 5000 kWh in natural gas per year, 876 kWh last December, so 28 kWh per day on average. The building is admittedly old and not perfectly insulated but it's also not a log cabin out in the open in Finland, but instead a flat enclosed within 3 other flats in the middle of cosy, never below -8C Germany.

21 kWh in a log cabin in Finnland actually seemed pretty low to me. It's sort of obvious OP is using a heat pump and the cabin must really be absolutely tiny.

Why are you measuring natural gas in kWh? How do you even measure that as such?

It's an easy conversion - 1 kWh is equal to 3412 Btus. In Germany, both electricity and natural gas are charged in kWh. I know a fair bit about energy measurement if you have any questions.

This is fascinating to me. How does it factor efficiency, since gas needs to be burned?

Great question. When it comes to utility billing, efficiency doesn't factor at all. Just like with electric billing, the utility company gives zero shits about what you do with your energy. They just bill you for everything you use.

Utility companies keep track of the volume used in cubic meters and convert it to kWh using the formula...

Volume (in cubic meters) • Calorific value (usually around 37-42) • 1.02264 (correction factor) ÷ 3.6 (conversion factor to kWh) = kWh

The calorific value accounts for the varying energy density of natural gas caused by its inconsistent composition. The correction factor accounts for the effects of the average temperature and pressure at the property on gas volume measurement. 1.02264 is standard for most locations but would be different if the location is extreme, like the high elevation of Machu Picchu.

What sucks about gas heating is some of the heat energy released leaves with the exhaust. The heating efficiency varies depending on the unit but is generally 90-95% for newer units but as low as 50% for older units. While 90-95% doesn't seem bad, electric heat pumps achieve efficiencies that exceed 100%, even as high as 300+%.

To turn gas to electricity assume 50% efficiency. 2MWh of gas = 1MWh of electricity.

So given that most gas furnaces (at least in the US) operate at 90-95% efficiency, does that mean 20 kWh of resistive electric heat (as measured on the bill) provides similar heat to ~11 kWh of gas?

Ah. 50% efficency to turn gas into electricity.

If you are just making heat then burning gas directly is much better.

How does it factor efficiency, since gas needs to be burned?

Energy is energy regardless of what unit is used to show it. so 3412 BTUs always equals 1kWh.

You do an efficiency calculation after, average gas blower is about 90% so you'd end up with 3070 BTUs or 0.9kWh of heat energy.

It does not factor efficiency at all.

The bill does not care about efficiency.

Very common in countries that use the metric system (ie literally everywhere except the USA). It's measured either in kWh or in m^3

Cubic meters (or another similar measure of volume) is what I'd expect. It's the conversion to an unrelated and theoretical (since it's not actually being converted to electricity) unit that confuses me. I presume it's to make it easier to compare electric vs gas heat, but the variable efficiency of burning gas and the existence of heat pumps ruin that.

kWh is a unit of energy. Regardless of whether it is in the form of electricity or from burning fuel. So it is actually very related, and much more useful than a measurement of volume I'd argue. The measurement is of course done in m³, but then a conversion factor based on several factors is used to convert to an actually useful unit.

A m³ of gas really could be anything depending on pressure, temperature and constituents.

(Brace yourself for Much 'Merica) Several gas utilities I've had in the USA measure natural gas CCF, which is 100 cubic feet (at some standard temperature/pressure), which happens to be almost exactly the same as a Therm, or 100,000 BTU.

Yeah, even firewood can be (and not uncommonly is) measured in kWh

My meter measures it in m^3^ and my supplier, knowing the exact caloric value of the product they're selling, tells me in kWh on my bill.

edit: m^3^ of course not ^2^ lol

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50kWh and closer to 90kWh on days like this. It's a log cabin and I'm keeping my root cellar and insulated shed above freezing aswell. Even running a 1kW heater all day would result in a consumption more than 21kWh and that wouldn't keep any house warm.

I’ve got a small 1200w heater that kicks on in the morning to bring the living room space up to 69. I live in a 40 year old house that’s insulated fairly well (I just had the attic redone last year to r-49) and it’s 45f outside right now. That little heater has used 6kWh since kicking on this morning getting the house up from 63f to the near 69 it is now.

On a day below freezing that heater will got for a lot longer through the day to keep temps up.

Space heaters are the way to go.

It's the difference between paying $70 and $5 more per month.

Space heaters are one of the most expensive methods. Check the power consumption, they are hungry things.

My electric bill says otherwise.

As always, I encourage people to see for themselves rather than trusting strangers on the internet.

The only time space heaters work well is when you avoid heating the whole house, and instead heat only a room

You don't exactly understand heat pumps, do you?

A space heater has an efficiency of close to 100%, heat pumps have at worst 100% and at best somewhere between 300 and 500%. Granted, in -35C environments, it's probably very close to 100%, but that's the absolute worst case, and an anomaly even in Finland.

What are you smoking? Space heaters gulp down electricity with the smallest ones running at hundreds of watts and standard ones around 1-2 kilowatts. The only ways a space heater is more efficient is if either you're spending a shitton of energy heating rooms you aren't in or if your homes heating system is in bad need of repair/replacement

Well, my electric bill went up a negligible amount and I keep the space heater running pretty much all the time.

Maybe you bought a shitty one or you're getting a shitty deal for your electricity.

All space heaters operate at the same efficiency since they convert electricity to heat via resistance. You may have a small one and low electricity rates in your area to see a negligible change. Or maybe other uses went down and masked the increase from the space heater usage.

Almost. Some are better at heating people, others are better at heating air

Bruh I don't think you understand how electricity consumption works.

A space heater will pull a given wattage, say 1000 watts for a pretty common one. Electric heaters are 100% efficient meaning 100% of the energy going in is converted to heat, so running that 1000 watt space heater for 1 hour will consume 1000 watt-hours (or 1 kilowatt hour) and heat the space by exactly 1000 watts or 1 kilowatt (kilo meaning thousand)

Plugging this into a electric bill calculator, at a common $0.15/kWh running that 1000 watt space heater 24/7 will cost about $100 per month

If your space heater is so insanely awesome, please do tell me, what's your electric rate and the wattage of the heater?

Bruh, I don't think you understand that heating a room is cheaper than heating your whole house. If I ran my space heater 24/7, I'd be sweating all day. If I run my central heater 24/7, my house barely reaches the temperature my room does before I turn my space heater off.

My electric bill is ~$160 when running the central heater. It's ~$80 when I run my space heater.

As always, I encourage people to see for themselves rather than trusting strangers on the internet.

Experience is better than theory, every time. I feel sorry for the people who will avoid saving money because of comments like yours.

To quote my earlier comment with emphasis this time:

The only ways a space heater is more efficient is if either you’re spending a shitton of energy heating rooms you aren’t in or if your homes heating system is in bad need of repair/replacement

So you've already agreed with my original point, because you reduced power consumption by turning your HVAC down and using a space heater to heat just the room you're in. Running a 4 kilowatt central heater will use more electricity as it runs than a 1 kilowatt space heater. But a 1 kilowatt space heater is still pulling down a kilowatt to run (which is a lot!)

Experience is better than theory, every time. I feel sorry for the people who will avoid saving money because of comments like yours.

YOU CAN LITERALLY CALCULATE THIS! Watts consumed by the heating source multiplied by number of hours per month it runs gives you the watt hours for power consumption, bigger number means bigger bill. In fact it's important to calculate it first because electric bills will naturally fluctuate and be difficult to identify the changes in consumption due to being an aggregate of everything in your home combined with outside temperature fluctuations.

A tiny heater running all day would do that.

1kw is a small heater. 0.8kw is a tiny one. 0.8x24 is 19.2. Assuming they have other basic appliances, that's already more than enough to account for their usage.

Outer walls in new homes in the Nordic countries are often 25-30 inches thick filled with insulation. They will keep out some cold (and some heat).

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