Wine 9.0 is now available to – 597 points –

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Yet another major release that fails do support basic Win32 APIs available since Windows 95 properly.


It's a miracle we have wine at all, reverse engineering an entire operating system isn't easy. Be grateful for what we have (which is already enough to run a ton of software really well)

Still ReactOS performs better in basic Win32 APIs… makes no sense.

Hasn't ReactOS been accused of using code that was not reverse-engineered multiple times? If they became too big MS would probably just sue them.

From what I've heard they used some assembly code directly for very low level functions.

As if the Windows XP source code wasn't leaked already...

That's...not a legal excuse.

In fact that';s an open and shut end to a project if you're caught doing it.

As long as you don't copy code...

It's enough that you have read the code before implementing an alternative to get into legal trouble.

Good luck proving that.

It's happened in the past and is easier than you might think.

What happened in the past was lazy developers cutting corners and effetely copying code and thinking that by switching a few variable names and the order of some operators they would get around the problem.

?? Historically it's been an issue where you need to prove you didn't do it, because otherwise the companies would bury you in legal fees trying to defend yourself. You're like...trying to argue an alternate universe to how this normally plays out.

If you want some APIs implemented, make a feature request; you understand what you want

Unrelated but everytime you end a sentence with an ellipsis I imagine someone's nerdy youtube rantsona with their arms crossed and a sly grin

reverse engineering an entire operating system isn’t easy

Have you noticed the the NT / Windows XP source code was leaked years ago. There's isn't much of a need to "reverse engineering", it's just about reading their implementation and providing an alternative implementation that doesn't copy code...

it’s just about reading their implementation and providing an alternative implementation that doesn’t copy code…

That sounds difficult though. Didn't companies have to set up ethics walls to protect against lawsuits for things like that?

Didn’t companies have to set up ethics walls to protect against lawsuits for things like that?

What are you talking about? There's copyright infringement that when you copy the leaked Windows source code into something like Wine or ReactOS and then there's reading it to understand what Microsoft did and coming up with an alternative implementation that will provide a compatible API for programs to use. There's no "gray zone" or ethical BS - it's either copied or not.

What are you talking about?

Ah the term I was looking for was "clean room"

See the bit about examples and IBM. While you could probably look, the easiest way to defend against a giant tech company's legal team is to do the clean room setup

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Instead of leaving snide comments like this, you can use your head to open up an IDE, implement the features you want, and make a pull request. Keep it to yourself

Ask for a refund

Too bad time isn't refundable. Free software is only free if you don't factor in the time you spend making it work.

Wow, you're the most entitled user of free software I've met in a while. Just buy a windows license next time.

Since when is having standards being 'entitled'?

Just because something is free doesn't mean it has to be janky.

Well at least I'm not here perpetuating the delusion that desktop Linux desktop is as user-friendly and productive for every use-case as Windows and macOS are. If one lives in a bubble and doesn’t to collaborate with others then native Linux apps might work and might even deliver a decent workflow. Once collaboration with Windows/Mac users is required then it’s game over – the “alternatives” aren’t just up to it.

Windows licenses are cheap and things work out of the box. Software runs fine, all vendors support whatever you’re trying to do and you’re productive from day zero. Sure, there are annoyances from time to time, but they’re way fewer and simpler to deal with than the hoops you’ve to go through to get a minimal and viable/productive Linux desktop experience.

It all comes down to a question of how much time (days? months?) you want to spend fixing things on Linux that simply work out of the box under Windows for a minimal fee. Buy a Windows license and spend the time you would’ve spent dealing with Linux issues doing your actual job and you’ll, most likely, get a better ROI.

Just buy a windows license next time.

Here's the thing, I can get a legit Windows license by various means. I don't need to go into and get it for 300$, a second hand windows machine with an old i5 CPU will sell for 50$ and that includes a valid Windows license. Computers selling on retail stores also include a Windows license, students can get them for free etc. what else?

You're doing something worse, complaining about something that no one really does. The average Linux user doesn't want the average computer user to install Arch Linux. Stop spamming this garbage.

Well at least I'm not here perpetuating the delusion that desktop Linux desktop is as user-friendly and productive for every use-case as Windows and macOS are.

Wait, are you saying Windows and macOS are user-friendly and productive for every use-case? That's hilarious!

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It is called free because it allows you the freedom to hack the code and make it fit your needs, not because of cost. Like you say, freedome can be expensive, so go cheap and use authentic windows with a paid license, closed code binary blobs, and blind trust to the megacorp selling it.

@TCB13 @troyunrau

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Cool, where's the code?

Well, it's out there, but Wine devs can't look at it.

Not without getting sued, no. But you could do a double blind on it. One person reads it and describes it in freeform prose, and another reads the prose then writes code to implement it as described. In the absence of documents describing the implementation details, this can sometimes work as it will avoid the copyright argument.

Still sketchy though, and you'd really have to verify isolation.

you'd really have to verify isolation.

What if they live streamed the entire process, like on twitch?

Still difficult in another sense. The person who was reading the code live on twitch or whatever, could never in the future work on wine. They'd have to commit to long term seperation from the project.

(Plus, they'd probably want to do it anonymously, since they've illegally obtained the source code.)

No one ever promised infinite compatibility forever. It's most certainly NOT a microshit product.

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