Its a doggy dog world out there to Lemmy – 1259 points –

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This is me with Coke Zero

My favourite tweet possibly ever

I still can't believe twitter made Donald Trump a Potus. It has to be one of the wildest stories in our country's history.

Don't forget that enough people were so impressed with his fuckery that there's a very real danger that he'll be given a second shot at it.

This is so absurd. It sounds like it comes from one of those AI presidents-playing-minecraft videos on youtube.

This is me with vodka

And me, switching from stinky cigarettes to candy flavored vape. I thought a month or two max. It’s been three. Time to fix that. Look out world (fr). Maybe since it’s warmer, my bike is fixed and I’ve almost gotten the interior of my home back in order, it won’t be so difficult when I replace those nicotine hits with dopamine hits? 😬 🙏🏽

I quit smoking by switching to candy flavored vape. Then I quit vaping and it was easier than quitting smoking.

Yep. This week will be particularly busy/trying, and I expect my current vape to run out Tuesday. Please send good vibes, that I don’t give in to temptations, bite off anyone’s head, or grind my teeth to dust. Tyia.

Good luck! I need to do that with running more.

Thank you! Wishing you the best of luck and gritty determination until you build momentum and the high kicks in again!

I replaced my caffeine habit with a water drinking habit. You truly do swap one addiction for another one, and it's really bonkers how I legit get the exact same withdrawal symptoms if I haven't drank water as I would if I didn't get my coffee

Maybe Freud’s oral fixation theory isn’t so insane, after all. I posit lunder/over emotional nourishment is as credible as a cause as under/overfeeding.

I know, just musing.

Hey, I took your comment as joking. In caseI misunderstood, I wish you all the grit in overcoming your challenges.

I was too, until they changed the formula a year and a half/2 years ago? Started tasting more like Pepsi to me, not a fan. I can do Cherry Coke Zero on occasion, or if I've got a craving I'll do regular Zero with a squirt of orange Miso.

Please tell me miso is a brand and not japanese miso

Oh God - auto correct fucked me. I meant Mio. Like the concentrated drink mix that comes in small bottles that you can add to water.

Oh ok. I have seen those before yet didn't think of them somehow.

You're not alone, stay strong my friend! And keep me a bottle in the fridge