How do you deal with the thought of having to work for 40+ years and then when/if you retire, you're too old to do much? to Ask – 313 points –

There has to be a better system than this.


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Live in a country with a decent amount of vacation days.

Guess I gotta move to Iran for that 53 days off a year Wikipedia says they get.

Hot damn! And here I thought 30+ days was decent amount.

Yeah but those days in Iran where it's insanely hot... I think we are better off in Europe. :)

I get 47 if my math is right, but not all at once. Next year I think it goes to 48.

I hope you can move to Canada and find a great job like mine. Immigrate for any healthcare at all, stay for the vacation days in the woods staring out over the ocean.

and if in germany, get yourself a schwerbehindetenausweis and show it to your employer. they have to give you 5 extra days off when the GDB is at least 50.

I honestly prefer not being eligible for that to having extra vacation days.

In what is that a solution :) ? Working 40+ years except 30days per year still make you lose your time, no?

Thank God immigration is such a cheap and accessible option to everyone!