Dolphin found dead on beach riddled with bullets, NOAA offers $20k reward to find killer to – 718 points –
Dolphin found dead on beach riddled with bullets, NOAA offers $20k reward to find killer

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The fuck is wrong with people

I don't know, but guns seem to enhance it.

Wait till you hear what happens on the factory farms that nearly everyone's meat and dairy comes from. Animals would be lining up for a chance to be treated as well as this dolphin that died at the hands of this bastard.

It’s a livestock’s life that’s more inhumane, not its death. “Riddled with bullets” is undoubtedly more painful than cutting open the superior vena cava.

That being said, what they did to the dolphin is horrible, and I hope they get caught.

If only they all got simply cut along the superior vena cava. I know it would be great if they all had wonderful happy deaths, but unfortunately they simply don't. For example, anyone who eats factory farm eggs has the fact that countless baby chicks are thrown into blenders while still alive on their conscience. It is great when people show what they think happens on those farms because it gives opportunity for people to point what actually is happening. Hopefully, more interactions like this will help to end the hypocrisy of it all.

Look at all the downvotes I'm getting, people absolutely leach onto anything that makes them feel the bad people are the ones who point out how awful these farms are.

You haven’t gotten any downvotes, and your comment is eight hours old. You don’t need to be a martyr to make a point. You’re right that the farming industry is cruel.

I wasn't talking about the potential future downvotes from that comment. I was talking about all the past downvotes that I already got on my original comment.

As an aside, I'm pretty sure that not any amount of downvotes can grant someone martyrhood status.

You got down votes for shoehorning the same tired "but you eat meat!" argument that always gets brought up.

I guess using that logic we must think machine gunning dolphins is fine if we also eat chickens or something, what a dumb take.

That's why you were down voted, you probably picked up a bunch more when you complained about them.

Imagine you go over to someone's house, and as soon as you walk in, you get overwhelmed by the smell of feces. You walk into the living room, and there is a dog in a cage that it barely fits into. The cage is so tight around its body that it is unable to turn around. You realise there are inches of fecal sludge caked into the bottom of the entire cage. Upon close inspection, you realise that the teeth of the dog have been removed. You are told that by removing the teeth, it can't bite. You ask how it doesn't get so sick that it dies, and you are shown a handful of pills that it is given that fight off its infections and diseases.

You are absolutely disgusted, and you rightfully say so. The response of the owner is this, "This is the same tired argument of 'Nobody can have pets!' That always gets brought up."

This is exactly what you just did.

I never said anything about anyone not being allowed to eat meat, but you have been so conditioned that whenever anyone points out how bad factory farms are, you immediately try to defend them by acting like the only possible way to eat meat is to do it that way. This is not because you are an idiot, it is just because of how clever and motivated the bastards that are doing this to animals are. They are able to convince good-meaning, kind people like yourself to fight on their defense whenever anyone tries to chalange them.

There are many people, now, and all throughout history, that eat meat in a way that is not deplorable, but that way doesn't make large factory farms rich, it doesn't put more money into the billionaires pockets. So, they recruited you, and many others to work for them. They are very smart, and they succeeded.

By the way, I have no idea how you've taken anything Isaid to mean that I think it is OK to machine gun dolphins if you also eat chickens. I never said anything remotely like that. I agree whole-heartedly that that is, indeed, a very dumb take.

Whole lotta angry paragraphs for someone that couldn't figure out why they were down voted, you should work on that.

Yeah, I would be unable to respond in any meaningful way if I were trying to argue your side as well. I know why I'm downvoted. I'm downvoted because I point out a disgusting habit that many people have and they hate to think about. That's fine though, if I can get through to a single person, it is worth it. Think hard about which side you are on here, it's not a good side at all. Deep down you know that. Sometimes anger is the appropriate response. You'd be angry too if you developed a moral compass.

…aka the dumbest take

There is a very good reason why you can't even attempt to explain your justification for factory farms and all you can do it say "...aka the dumbest take".

You have no moral justification, all you have is childish selfishness with no regard for anyone but yourself. Your entire life has lead up to the best you can do is try to tear down compationate people because you think it will give you a temporary feeling of not being disgusting.

You could do better, but first you need to at least want to develop will power and self control. I hope for your sake that you never have to experience the hell that you so giddily inflict on others.

Or maybe don't try to shoe horn the issue in as a non-sequitor and take umbrage when called out?

When people show outrage about the abuse of a single animal, it is in no way "shoe horning" or a "non-sequitor" to point out the massive animal abuse that many people are supporting. I understand that people hate hearing about, but it's still true.

It is 100% you bringing your own agenda without regard or consideration for the discussion at hand. You're not trying to add to the discussion by jumping in and championing your cause without reading the room.

I'm sorry it is so hard for you to make the connection between one abused animal and many abused animals. I don't know what else to say. This is text book cognitive dissonance. Two things couldn't be more related.

Oh, it's not that at all. You just come off as very holier than thou the way you shove into and escalate the discussion without regard for others, but great job capturing some attention.

Yeah, I'm the one without regard for others here. The whole side you are arguing for is not having regard for others. That's literally what this discussion is about. I say "have regard for others", and you say "no, lol".

The thing is, I agree with you about the suffering of animals.

You're just a sanctimonious self important prick trying to flaunt your imagined moral superiority as some kind of bullshit purity test as to whether people care about animals.

Have fun with that, don't stop to wonder why people walk away.

Standing up for what you believe isn't sanctimonious. I hope you eventually learn to quit caring so much what others think about you and that you can start to express your true opinions. Sure, some people will be offended and walk away, but those aren't the best types of people anyway. Quality is much more important than quantity when it comes to who you spend your time with.

I have no idea why you're being downvoted. The fishing industry is possibly the biggest monster in the world and people are just fine with what they can not see. I used to own a sailboat. I can tell say first hand it can be disgusting out there. Ya'll need to watch some documentaries. Thousands of marine animals are being slaughtered right now while you're reading this.

I have no idea why you're being downvoted.

Probably because shooting a random dolphin isn't great

Yeah taking “single dolphin shot repeatedly” to “but what about the fishing industry” isn’t a productive take, it’s whataboutism. They are independent issues, and trying to put focus on one removes the focus from the other

I think it's good to make people connect their disdain for animal abuse to something they can actually do something about

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I don't think this is whataboutism in its most deflective form; I think it's, "Why are we concerned about a one-off incident but not looking at the elephant in the room?"

I guess I don't consider things whtaaboutism if it's pointing to something that encapsulates the original issue. These issues are not mutually-exclusive and signal the same problem: It's just asking why people are inconsistent with their outrage. In other words, whataboutism in this context can be effective when pointing out hypocrisy and double-standards.

To contrast, whataboutism as a deflection tends to be a substitute for, "You did it, too! Thus ignore what I did / what I did wrong is justified." Again, this is not that.

Except one (shooting a dolphin repeatedly) is an act of sport or maliciousness, while the slaughter of marine mammals is an issue of the fishing industry. It’s like someone locking someone up in their basement vs the unjust imprisonment for many inmates that happens in the US. One is personal, and specific, one is systemic, happens all the time, and needs to be approached with a broader scope. They are all wrong, but you can’t lump them together because you are generally upset

I think we can absolutely say that industrialized slaughter is objectively worse in terms of the scale of suffering for the victims. We abstract the moral suffering in the fishing farm; but whoa, if someone individually shoots an animal — totally different! At the end of the day, scale is what matters.

Personally I couldn't care less about the assailant's state of mind; what matters is the victim

I never said one was worse, I just said that derailing the conversation of one to focus on the other wasn’t productive

I disagree because it connects two topics — one that is generally accepted by society — to another that everyone perceives as wrong because of an intimate emotional reaction.

Sure, but instead of saying “what about the shit they are doing to other sea life,” it could be worded as “this is a good time to check up on what’s going on with the fishing industry in general, here’s some links, and ways you can help”

One is just telling people they are assholes for even caring about the shot dolphin and should be better people by caring about bigger issues, the other is knowing people will care about the emotional story and then guiding them to learn more about the shit that happens in the fishing industry. People are emotional, you can’t just say “hey dummies what about this” and expect it to connect, it doesn’t help, you need to guide people.

Saying this is unimportant and people should focus elsewhere is disruptive and doesn’t move people toward bigger issues. Connecting this to bigger issues through conversation and generally better rhetoric does

This is a really great way to phrase it. I am very curious to see if this difference in phrasing would really be received differently than the more blunt approach, which certainly doesn't seem to work for most people. Hopefully, we will all have AIs soon that can spoon feed anyone who can't connect the dots on their own.

It blows my mind that people can be reminded of the mass slaughter that is happening daily and think that it must somehow be excusing the one-off brutal slaughter of an individual. I always just assume that people hate to be reminded of the implication of their "sustainable" wild caught tuna or whatever.

It's a one time incident. This is like when everyone lost their minds when a single turtle got a straw stuck in its nose. I'm not saying that wasn't a bad thing. Just like I never said someone shooting a dolphin isn't horrible.

But why offer a 20K reward for this while completely ignoring the mass slaughter taking place every day? Talk about unproductive.

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That reminds me, gotta make dinner, some nice juicy chicken should do fine!

Gotta pick up some ice cream as well!

"since you oppose racism im gonna tell you all about being racist"

Nah, I just added some semi relevant information, just like the comment before mine

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Man, you showed him with your factory farmed bird flue

If there is a bird in your flue you should not light the fire until you clean it out.

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