The Supreme Court majority sounds sold on Trump's Big Lie to politics – 231 points –
SCOTUS sounds sold on Trump's Big Lie

What is the fucking point of living if everything you believed in can be taken from you by some old white fucks


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How does this not end with Biden assassinating Trump because he's an insurrectionist? It's an official act and he'd be immune from prosecution.

He wouldn’t have to. He just throw Trump in jail, along with the SCOTUS justices he doesn’t like, appoint new ones, openly rig the elections, and see what congress has to say about it.

I bet there’d finally be some meaningful reform very suddenly.

Dark Brandon, or Darkest Brandon?

Hell, this would be almost Lelouch Vi Britannia.

He cannot unilaterally remove a justice from the court, or a candidate from the ballot. Even if they are in jail, a judge would need to be impeached, and Trump could still be elected.

But dead is dead. If you're going to go full tyrant...

I'm sorry, did you miss the part about this being SCOTUS declaring presidents as kings? If SCOTUS sides with Trump, nothing you said matters because Biden could just do it anyway.

Even Kings are only as powerful as their supporters allow them to be. Biden lacks the charisma to sell the lie that he can remove justices or presidential candidates. The "liberal" justices wouldn't support him, nor would congress or most states. There are no Biden acolytes. Murder is cleaner.

Its not a lie, they just made it law of the land lol.

The fuck are you talking about? The SCOTUS hasn't ruled yet.

Its law of the land until they rule it isn't moreso when a case that will set precedent goes to the supreme court.

It isn't the law of the land. I agree that the court could fuck this up and create a catastrophe, but the law is plain and clear on the issue, Presidents are not kings.

It 100% is, the supreme Court only gets to say if it is or isn't legal until they do it is neither legal nor illegal but no more or less illegal than if it were committed at the same time. It wouldn't be clearly established until ruled on which it hasn't been.

Simpler still, the president can remove citizenship, can't be a justice of you're not a citizen. You can't even hold most offices at that point.

Again, Biden can't just unilaterally declare things. He would need Congress, States, and the Courts to go along with any legal maneuvering, and he doesn't have nearly enough devoted supporters to declare anybody anything.

But he can have people killed. Dead people can't argue.

At the moment and (traditionally), yes he can that's literally what we're in court about. If laws don't apply to the president he can do what he wants. Chest of Congress, replace governor's with lackies, remove uncooperative justices, it's pretty easy to get away with shit when you're literally untouchable.

I'm the case of citizenship the government has always had the power to revoke but just for limited things like running for foreign office. So it's simple just say they're running for foreign office, who's gunna argue with the god king with all the nukes.

You're missing the point.

If laws don't apply, then the President can do whatever he can convince his followers to go along with. Trump might have his party by the short hairs, but Biden is not that influential among Democrats. Biden could declare whatever he wants, but without cooperation from government agencies, states, party leadership, and judges, it would be ineffective.

How many judges do you think would do for Biden what Aileen Cannon is doing for Trump? How many SCOTUS justices would reverse theory own rulings to serve Biden's interests? How many governors would abandon all reason and justice to fall in line behind dear leader?

Whether it's corruption, kompromat, or abject stupidity, conservatives cluster around the party identity and will parrot whatever bullshit they are fed. Nobody is storming the Capitol building for Joe Biden.

He doesn't need all the support just key support which you get by threatening murder. That's literally why it was brought up.

To remove a justice, or a candidate, or take away someone's citizenship, you'd need more support than Biden's got. To murder someone, you just need to be a sociopath.

No you don't, you need sometime willing to murder for you that's not exactly a high bar.

I'd argue that we're saying the same thing. I'd assume anyone willing to murder someone for political reasons is a sociopath.

We don’t have a Tower of London but our Solitary of San Quentin might do in a pinch.

Because Biden has morals that he mostly lives by

But what if he did it for the lols? I think that's morally acceptable, and my demographic would be more likely to vote for him. At this point fuck it, let's play by their rules

Yes, in the form of dead Palestinians. A politician is a politician, they are all scum and have an agenda. Your wellbeing is not on it.

I'm sure you really care about genocide and this isn't bad faith arguing at all.

Why the fuck do americans assume that anyone calling out their barely functioning administration is suddenly a trump supporter. Im not even an american, i think trump should be executed and im free to criticise your elderly white branches of state oppression for being literally evil. The fact that you have bigger problems in your upcoming „election” does not justify their shitty behaviour and im sorry so much that your two party system is just a ploy to keep you believing in democracy in a country which fails at keeping its schools gun violence free.

I'm not American either and I didn't call you a Trump supporter. I accused of you arguing in bad faith.

This is what wikipedia says about bad faith:

Bad faith ( Latin: mala fides) is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another. [1] It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service. [2]

I thought you were arguing in bad faith because you talked about current US foreign policy in Israel, when this is an article about the Republicans stacking the supreme court to subvert US democracy.

You are now continuing to make the claim that political parties in the US are equally evil, along with some whataboutery regarding gun violence. You are off-topic and it sounds like you are trying to defend the Republicans by complaining "but BoTH SiDeS!" - hence, bad faith.

Yes but I replied to a commend about Biden and his alleged high moral standards. Apparently high moral standards means describing an active genicide as “a little over the top” while actively supporting it and refusing to stop supporting it even though it clearly impacts his popularity with his base.

And I could hardly be defending anyone if I say both sides are bad. Im simply saying that both sides are bad. Republicans are worse but democrats are still an evil group of shitty politicians. The recent trend here where people are instantly accusing anyone criticizing Biden’s take on the Palestinian genocide of being a russian paid troll reeks of fox news level bipartinisim which is a horrible disease.

Blue MAGA don’t care about your “logic” or “reason”

Have you heard of a little place called Gaza?

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By stalling the case until after the election

What's to stop Biden from assassinating three or four Supreme Court Justices and then nominating a few that will rule sooner and in his favor?

We can only hope…

I don't hope for anyone's death. I want criminals to face justice, and assassinations are not justice. I don't want a president with that kind of power. I don't want anyone to be able to use force to take and keep power. America is built on the idea that the power of the people is stronger than any tyrant.

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It would be an official act since trump jeopardizes democracy.

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