PlayStation Reversing Course On Helldivers 2 Is Both Smart And A Sign Of How Inept It Is to – 229 points –
PlayStation Reversing Course On Helldivers 2 Is Both Smart And A Sign Of How Inept It Is

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PlayStation often makes unforced errors that make you wonder how it gained such a significant foothold across the last few console generations and such a fiercely loyal audience.

Mostly unforced errors from other companies. It's dumb decisions all the way down.

Yeah they both make a bunch of really anti consumer choices constantly, I never got the diehards who go hard for the console. Exclusive games I can at least understand, but is an Xbox really that functionality different from a PlayStation?

I was a Nintendo kid in the 99s, then had a PS2 followed by a 360, I really only got a PS4 cause the opportunity for a deal came up, and I only got a PS5 cause I already had a PS4.

Admittedly that's probably where most of the fan clubbing comes from, generationally upgrading until you're to use to the system to change.

Playstation won with the PS5 because MS realized PC players have more money and went back to them.

MS left the game because they found a better game.

Let's not forget that with Gamepass, it's not just a better game by folding in PC, but they're doing something completely different with their consoles than Sony is. More and more, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are either competing with Valve or against themselves, and not each other.

Except for Nintendo, they're still just doing what they've been doing for the last 20 years, releasing consoles with outdated hardware and relying on gimmicks to sell them, at this point they're not even trying to compete anymore, Valve is a stronger competitor for Microsoft and Sony than Nintendo nowadays.

Nintendo has always been the king of handheld for as long as handheld gaming has been a thing.

I'd put a lot of money on them viewing Valve as their biggest threat currently.

Yeah, I loved my switch when I first got it, but have hardly touched it since I got my steamdeck.

But the switch isn't just an underpowered console... It's a handheld with an HDMI port

Underpowered gimmick yeah

Our family uses it all the time for Smash Bros, Mario Kart, or other party games.

I would not have bought a Switch if it didn’t have console mode.

Still, raw processing power comparatively it is underpowered, can't push beyond 1080p for example, which is fine for Nintendo games because they make games with that limitation in mind, third party switch games are a lot more hit or miss, especially ports of pc games.

Compared to even cell phones the switch is laughably underpowered in the year 2024.

Not saying it can't be useful or enjoyable, just gotta face facts about what the device is lol.

Steam deck is starting to eat their lunch I think.

I don't think they would be ditching the table if they were winning tbh. Their goal is always to get as many people to subscribe to their stuff as possible

Playstation's exclusives are on the whole, a lot more interesting to me. I honestly have almost no interest in Xbox because of that. It's not the hardware, it's purely the software.

I think the answer is simple (they probably mentioned it in the article I'm not reading). Sony makes good hardware and good games. They don't really need to compete with Nintendo since they kinda do their own thing at this point, and Microsoft is really no better. I also think Playstation is generally regarded as having better exclusives, even during the 360 era where Xbox clearly won.

Actually in the 360 era, the PS3 ended up selling more by the end.

So in the public eye people usually consider the 360 winning but by other metrics, the PS3 did.

My experience is that seems to be a US centric view that the 360 "won" it's generation, I've never encountered that view locally and it's ultimately not born out by statistics although it was the closest Microsoft ever came.

In the UK, where I'm from, it's widely considered 360 won too.

The reason the PS3 won in the end I think was due to a worsening opinion of Microsoft towards the end when the original plan for the Xbox One was being discussed and shown, along with a lot of teenage gamers now being older with more disposable income allowing them to buy a PS3 later in the generation and trying out all of the exclusives they missed out on.

I don't know how true this rings out in general, but that was pretty much my experience.

I'm in the UK and no one I know considers the 360 to have won, regional preferences for one over the other perhaps?

The north east for me. Pretty much everyone had a 360 and everyone still calls it "the 360 days" or something of the other. But might just be the people I come across. Only had a few friends that had a PS3 in school, they always seemed to be left out from what the others were doing gaming wise. Wasn't until the PS4 until I started seeing people back to playing PlayStation by default like the PS2 days.

How do you tell everyone you like baseball without telling them you like baseball.

I feel like we‘re not seeing/talking about the reason the console market is another duopoly. Its a harsh failure on cartel prevention laws imo. New consoles should pop up here and there yet they dont (very small opening for steamseck likes). Its not a healthy market.

At first glance I think the IP laws are the problem here. A new console should be able to run xbox games and/or ps5 games and compete on hardware and ergonomics alone imo. That way the competition would drive prices down and decisions would again be for improving the service, not the bottom line.

Disclaimer: trolls will be blocked immediately.

the reason the console market is another duopoly


Sony... Microsoft... Nintendo...


I feel like you've made an error even if we're only talking about the major 3.

Also wonder if you're blind.

New consoles should pop up here and there yet they dont (very small opening for steamseck likes)

They do. You just don't hear about them all the time because the main 3 are so present in the discussion. Atari released the VCS (2021) for example. Oculus I would argue should count at this point too. There's many examples we could go on about. But I have a feeling you don't actually care about this discussion since you want to discount the obvious forefront contender of the SteamDeck.

A new console should be able to run xbox games and/or ps5 games

This is not at all the problem. You need to compile the game for the platform. That wouldn't be IP laws, that would simply be development... except in the case of console exclusives. Which would still not be IP laws, but instead would be contract law between the developers and the console company. The developers of the game 100% have a right to the source code of their game and to compile it for whatever they want.

Disclaimer: trolls will be blocked immediately.

Can you block yourself on Lemmy? I've never tried.

Edit: In a move that surprised no-one. They downvoted my post and didn't say anything in return. I guess they have no further argument.