titan times at r*ddit

NotSpez@lemm.ee to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1658 points –

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I just checked it out. LOL no they aren't. Reddit is still thriving.

yeah, it's some pretty serious copium to think reddit was massively affected by the protests. Sadly, they were not

but all I can do is leave and enjoy lemmy so fuck em

Several subs that I frequented are gone. The biggest pain to me is probably caused by the loss of Transcribers for Reddit. The group behind it basically disbanded at the end of june.

Same. One vote may not be much but I'm not the only one who nuked a decade old account and will not be returning.

I wouldn't call reddit thriving given that its flagship r/iama is now completely dead as a result of the mods packing up and saying that they will no longer do the work of verification or soliciting celebrities anymore. One of the biggest draws to the site historically as well as consistently producing positive media.

Yeah so there is still a lot of activity. However, >2000 subs are still dark, 18 others have gone full john oliver and many more are less moderated than before. BotDefense are leaving. So it’s definitely not that nothing out of the ordinary is going on, although I think that is exactly experience that reddit as a company tries to give you when you visit the site.

Eitherway, I am a lemming now and very happy to be here and not there.

Exactly! Last I checked, sure there was a lot of activity BUT as you said, many subs are still dark. The major subs that reopened with new moderation have definitely had a major dip (imo) in quality. I was still seeing John Oliver everywhere. They did use quite a few users, maybe not enough for them to flinch too hard but, how active were those users? I consider my old account there a "power comment account" I rarely posted but was extremely active in the threads, spending hours each day replying to comments of my inbox, so much so that I rarely even viewed actual content. Makes me wonder, how many accounts like mine did they lose? Many just lurked. The comment sections were fueled by active commenters and imo it wouldn't take losing too many like me for the threads to take a noticeable hit.

Anyway I don't care much about how it is over there rn, just glad I have this place so I don't have to support that platform in any way. Plus now that I've found a cool app, jerboa or whatever it's quite enjoyable! Connect and liftoff are also great but my phone doesn't play well with many apps.

I occasionally open RIF just to see if it's still working which it is but it doesn't let me login, meaning I can only access the front page of /r/all and man, it is abysmal. The content there doesn't even motivate me to stay there any longer than for a quick glance, lol. Tbf, if I open old.reddit on PC while logged in (which I now almost never do and I haven't posted anything there since June 31), it is better but it still doesn't feel completely the same. Plenty of subs still missing, some other that I didn't use to see much are now more present instead, and then there's /r/videos which still requires profanity in titles but now also, hilariously, only allows text transcripts of videos with no link to them.

only allows text transcripts of videos with no link to them

That was my favorite protest twist. I've only checked back to see that my ~2000 comments remained edited/deleted (they are). Otherwise, I am fine moving away just as I did with Digg. It's a new experience and it's just fine. I do agree that the niche subs are probably what keep drawing folks back there. It'll take time to curate those elsewhere.

I had no idea /r/videos was doing that. Hilarious.

Yup. Just like Spez predicted. The site is maybe less popular, but it will survive. The protests will die off eventually. The Reddit clones will never be as popular and active as Reddit once was. Maybe eventually the investers and advertisers will return, and it will be seen in hindsight as a smart move. The quality of the content may take a drop, but it was a calculated risk of making it more profitable.

It was a pretty safe bet. Most of the people on this planet don't give a shit about principles or corporate hostilities so long as they get what they want.

It drives me nuts!

The Reddit clones will never be as popular and active as Reddit once was.

They used to say the same kind of things about Digg.

The real problem was always a lack of alternatives imo. A "protest" can't work on the website you're literally using. What should have happened is those people all moved to another platform, but there isn't one. There isn't one canonical alternative to reddit, so they had to "protest" there.

I mean, a priest didn't have to leave the platform if it hits the ad revenue, which things like going NSFW have reportedly done.

Ironically enough, these Reddit clone instances are now obsolete ghost towns. The ”protest” failed and most people don't want to post on knockoff Reddit when the real thing is right there. The more focused instances will survive with a small, dedicated userbase, but there's zero chance any of these will take Reddit's place. The Beehaw losers wanted so badly to be the new Reddit too, lmao.

Oooh, there are Reddit clones? I'd love to check one out! Surely if they're cloning code or outright copying something proprietary, they'd get shut down immediately though right?

You're on one right now. Don't know if you're joking or not, but no idea how anyone could get the idea from my comment that it was about instances that literally clone Reddit.

Content aggregators existed before reddit and they'll continue to exist after. A community for shitposts is not unique to reddit.