AOC files articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito to – 1552 points –
AOC files articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito

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The idea is to have some experience in politics in lower positions before taking on the hot seat.

I feel like mandating a certain number of years in some managerial governmental position would be more effective. Trump is basically a living example of how to get around that. Honestly a lot of democracy kinda assumes people elect competent and honest leaders and a lot of humanity are just brainwashed morons so we're stuck with what we got :/.

That's a great point. AOC has more experience than Trump did when elected.

I'm just upset that there's no maximum age limit. If they are fine with a minimum why isn't there a maximum?

What a joke that turned out to be

Yeah just means we get experienced swindlers

Yeah, that's the idea. But then you have people like Trump come in and not have any experience.

So it's okay to have a constitutionally-mandated age requirement, but not a no-treason requirement?

Whataboutism my man

So what if it is? The point is that the whole system is a circus sideshow.

Well you can’t maintain focus on the topic if you start going down every branch. It just comes across as whiny and instead of constructive. It even caused your comment to be apathetic.

That's not whataboutism. I'm showing the hypocrisy in one rule being justified, but not the other, so as to argue more effectively against the age rule. Whataboutism is when you change the subject.

It is 100% whataboutism. There is no denying it.

It's not whataboutism:

Whataboutism is about switching the topic and reversal of accusation.

OP said that we have minimum age to be president, but according to SCOTUS it is a-ok to be a felon and running for the office.

A whataboutism in the subject of this post, where we talking about impeachment of Thomas and Alito would be "what about Pelosi's stocks"?

Thank you. That's a great example of real whataboutism.

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