DeSantis Pushes Baseless Claim ‘Liberal States’ Conduct ‘Post-Birth Abortions’

Flying to politics – 400 points –
DeSantis Pushes Baseless Claim ‘Liberal States’ Conduct ‘Post-Birth Abortions’: ‘I Think That That’s Wrong’

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My only question is if he's stupid enough to actually believe it.

It’s just as dumb as believing in “partial birth” abortions which…I mean…come on. If only these people had the capacity to think about it for two seconds.

What in the world is a "partial birth" abortion?

The idea is it’s a late-term abortion where the baby is partially born and then killed. These abortions have been officially illegal since 2003. In general, only a tiny percentage of abortions are performed later than 24 weeks, and it’s almost always because of something terrible. Here’s a good article about it:

They really think that happens? In late term abortions right now the fetus is terminated before any delivery/extraction occurs. Crazy what they believe happens and equally crazy they don't bother to do actual research on what really happens.

It was huge propaganda point in my church when I was being raised Catholic. They told us the babies are either vacuumed out in pieces or they're pulled out and then their head is crushed with forceps. This is the kind of disgusting BS they make up to justify forcing their beliefs on other people. They teach it to naive children like it's a fact.

And of course they never mentioned that late term abortions are only ever performed to save the mother's life. They intentionally make it sound as if doctors just like killing babies and the mother is a debaucherous asshole. Cruel fucking liars.

Imagine going through that as a mother who WANTS to have a baby and then being treated as a murderer. It's straight up evil.

I mean, to be fair, it's definitely more dumb than that. Both are mind-cripplingly stupid, but "post-birth abortion" is a literal impossibility.

The republicans have been brainwashing their base to believe Democrats and Liberals are Satan's minions, just pure evil. They'll believe anything that fits that narrative. Remember the guy that shot up a pizza place because the right wing fronted a conspiracy theory that Hillary was running a pedophile ring in the basement.

Pedophile ring in the basement of the pizza place, which literally had no basement.

I can't help but think of Peewee's Big Adventure any time this topic comes up.

How stupid of a journalist/interviewer you have to be not to call out that bullshit and not relent until this fucker corrects his words on camera.

Absolutely not. These people know exactly what they're doing. Except Donnie Cheeto of course, who genuinely has no idea of what is true and what is false. That's why he comes across as so "authentic" to the morons.

Yeah this guy is a Yale/Harvard grad. He’s not stupid, but he knows what stupid people will believe and he knows how to say it convincingly