Donald Trump Again Accused of Using N-Word on 'The Apprentice' Set to politics – 385 points –
Donald Trump Again Accused of Using N-Word on 'The Apprentice' Set

You mean Donald Trump, convicted felon? That Donald Trump?

Is that the guy a jury found liable for sexual assault?

And was banned from running charities ( in NY) due to a fraudulent cancer charity, sued for a fraudulent University (never saw how that turned out), and was convicted of property tax fraud(being appealed i think).

I never thought that he could bring joy to this world, but fuck damn it's fun to say Convicted Felon Donald Trump.

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Meh, the Access Hollywood tape came up before the election and woman had no problem voting for him then. I don't think this will have much impact with anyone who hasn't already made their mind up.

But I also thought he wasn't going to be found guilty today so fingers crossed.

He sexual assaulted a women (raped). Will saying the n-word make him less liked?

His racism led to policies that harmed or killed or upended the lives of hundreds of thousands of people on the basis of their race, across multiple racial groups. I really don't care whether he said the N word, and I don't know how anyone could imagine he didn't.

Saying the N-word only improves all Repubs' opinions of him. The rape they either deny happened, or "she deserved it," or some of them even approve of it.

"But the republicans freed the slaves." The brain roth kills me. Seeing people praise this man with his history also turned me against religious groups. Same thought process and beliefs.

The blinders need to be pulled off that belief that system as well. Read the scripts of most religion and there is a handful groups that are targeted. Women are one of the most impacted groups.

That's just a plus for his base.

Damn right Niger! Best country in West Africa.

Damn right Niger! Best country in West Africa.

Seriously mods?

Bro, you can't say the N-world here.

Niger is a country in west Africa


  1. the earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features. "he was doing his bit to save the world"
  2. a region or group of countries. "the English-speaking world"

If a recording of it comes out, it won't be his undoing, it will be license for the people who like him to join him in saying it.

And it'll be the source of many a great video of people getting decked for saying it

Even that, justified as it is, will just fuel their propaganda-driven fear addiction. "Cishet white Christians are being punched out for no reason!"

I can't wait for a conservative family member to claim that saying the n word is no reason to get punched