How would this change the story?

The Picard to – 507 points –

I'd assume her computer skills would probably not be as strong with that all over her back.

..or maybe that thing means she's uber_l33t.

damn I can't tell anymore.

4chan is represented by derpy frog cartoons and they seem to get by just fine.

Fun fact: Spyro was originally going to be called Pete but they didn't want Disney to she the everloving shit out of them. His first redesigned name was Pyro but that was too edgy so they went with Spyro. He was also going to be a full size dragon before they settled on his final design!

The villain of the second game’s name is based off the Japanese characters used for Spyro’s name. スパイロ, looks like Ripto as stylized on the box art for the first Spyro.

Crazy i bought this movie last weekend and it was so nostalgic. That was my only really Disney movie growing up and the songs were all so good!

Wow I didn't know it was a Disney movie, surprised they let then include the rape scene

Also the song about them chaining him up and chopping him into little pieces to sell to people. Good ol’Disney

Every little piece! Every little piece! I can take a scissor and clip him up, rip him up.

Man that movie was a little dark.

Edit: spelling