Happy Pride Month!

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 351 points –

My gay friends:

I need to hang out with cooler people.

Conservatives: "They're trying to cram gAy AgEnDa down our throats."

My Gay Friend: Works in an office. Pretty good with Excel. Plays golf on Saturdays. Likes cats. Has a boyfriend but still trying to decide if he's ready for a serious commitment. Just wants to be treated like a regular human being.

One of my gay friends is a Wyoming cowboy so stereotypical he might as well be an extra in the Yellowstone TV show. He brews beer, hunts, etc. The "gayest" thing he does is competitive line dancing which, if we're being honest, is not "gay" as much as it is dorky as hell.

Interesting, because they teach line dancing in school to stop kids from accidentally breeding.

They're laughing and smiling... I'd like friends like that

And here I am with no desire to display anything on myself, or make any statement with my clothes or behavior.

I don't feel the need to tell every stranger my life story. :)

Alright if so why are you displaying this for everyone to see on lemmy

You know it's okay to dress brightly, flamboyantly, dazzlingly and even fabulously too, right?

Yet here you are doing in fact that exactly. What's that called again?

Oh yeah, virtue signalling

Nope. Just want to say that there are many people who don't have the need to put on a big show about themselves. It's fine to just exist without broadcasting it to the world.

It's also fine to celebrate sometimes

Celebrate what? I don't celebrate just being alive, but maybe I should. :)

Agreed, take some time to be happy being you :) And if you have other people you relate to, maybe take some time to celebrate them too

"Hey everyone, 198-fucking-4 here. Unlike some other people, I don't feel the need to tell others about myself. No, my opinions are my own and I'm keeping them to myself. The fewer people read this, in fact, the better!"

Just because you are LGBT doesn't mean you dress like a clown or speak like a pre teen girl in the 10th grade. I feel like this is what gives the community such hate. The majority of LGBT friends I have look and act completely normal but have different sexual preferences...If you were using the media or pride events as an indicator, you would never know..

because it's not about being "gay" it's about an "agenda". but cOnSpiRacy ThEorY blocks everyone's eyes from seeing and brain from working

Go on and git. Mind your pa

na bro everyone is free to be who they want and make their own choices. but when those choices are being pushed on kids makes it not ok

Who cares bro? So worst case scenario they put a penis in each other's mouth or lick a vagina, as long as they aren't shooting the school up or overdosing it doesn't matter. Hell it might be better with the abortion bullshit going on.

blowing a load in your bros hole is better than aborting a baby I guess

like I said I don't care but when corporations and politicians are trying to force "fads" and laws on people it's not ok. what don't you get about that?

then don't reply? or be the cringe kid you are and participate then bitch and moan that it's not a convo you like. actually unhinged please seek help

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