Don't give me none of that jazz!

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 551 points –

But America usually down with making black men into 3/5s of a person!

Woah there buddy, get out of here with your woke agenda. Best America can do is 1/5th, take it or leave it.

Wow. We'd be lucky if that were true today. With slavery, it's 3/5, but with things gerrymandered correctly, it's essentially 0/5.

Someone measure the pixels, if this isn't to scale imma be upset


Americans might know it as the more accurate "tunsend of corn kernels". Or similar to a "heft of wayfarer", or a "diggerty of pebbly straw silk".

As of January 1^st^ 2023:

  • 3 280.84 feet
  • 1 093.61 yards
  • 198.84 rods
  • 49.71 chains
  • 4.97 furlongs


Take your pick.


Edit: Whoops, forgot to provide my source for the date aspect: NIST Handbook 44 2024, Appendix C: General Tables of Units of Measurement, page C-5, footnote 3 (Warning: PDF) – Sorry about that!

But how many hamburgers is a kilometer

Well, let's say the typical minimum diameter of a burger patty is 2 inches, and the typical maximum diameter is 6 inches, with a mean of about 4 inches:

That would mean that, depending on the diameter of the patty, and assuming all patties are the same diameter, 1 kilometer equals approximately 6 562–19 685 burger patties, with a mean of 9 843.

(All values were rounded up to the nearest integer.)

I'm commenting here to follow in case someone replies with images similar to OP's featuring Kilometer changes to Rod Serling, 2 Chainz, and Eddie Furlong.

It's a device that measures things in thousands. A kilometer would say a kilometre is 1000 metres. I've bulk ordered 1000 meters if you'd like one.

This is the first convincing argument I've ever seen for imperial.