UN adds Israel to blacklist for harming children in conflict zones

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UN adds Israel to blacklist for harming children in conflict zones

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has notified Israel’s Defence Attache in the United States, Major General Hidai Zilberman, of his decision to add Israel to the blacklist of countries and organisations harming children in conflict zones.

A report by the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth revealed that despite extensive efforts by Israel to persuade Guterres to avoid this move, Tel Aviv will be listed in the report distributed to UN Security Council members next week, with a discussion scheduled for 26 June.

The report is based on data from UN organisations and field sources. Being blacklisted could significantly damage Israel’s reputation, as the report will be cited across various UN bodies, including the General Assembly, Security Council, International Court of Justice (ICJ) and International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

The blacklist also includes Afghanistan, Congo, Mali, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Syria and groups such as Al-Qaeda, Daesh, Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram. The upcoming report will refer to Israeli security forces without explicitly naming Israel or its military.


The New York Times quoted Bibi on this:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel condemned the report, saying in a statement that the country’s military “is the most moral army in the world, and no delusional decision by the U.N. will change that.”

Who's delusional... 🤨 Most Moral Army... Uh huh. Kill those women and children. Moral my ass.

It's not antisemitic for criticizing Bibi. Especially that he's acting like an asshole dictator.

Only anti-semite would acuse Bibi of lying.

Just ask the Israeli attorney general who, in 2019, indicted him on bribery and fraud charges.

And Israel obviously has the most moral military in the world. Just ask their minister of national security: convicted criminal Itamar Ben-Gvir. Specifically, he has been convicted of supporting a terrorist organization. He also never served in the IDF, because the IDF thought he was too extreme.

supporting a terrorist organization

Also a serial traffic offender. Not really that important but quite ironic as he is responsible for the police.

Not just supporting terrorist organisations.

Ben Gvir is a convicted terorrist.

His army is very moral, as long as you view it morally positive to exterminate the "right" people.

Its good to see not everyone in the world with the power to do something is insane. All of these things tarnish Israel's image and reputation. It may not be directly satisfying, but it does matter. Stick them with enough shit and hopefully we'll abandon them. Not holding my breath for the US to be the good guy and actually stop these people. Really are being the "world police" rn by helping Israel punch down on these people with their genocide. As if the Palestinians could hope for anything in a war besides guerrilla tactics. Such bullshit that its been allowed to go on this long. Idk what we would be tempting by sending forces to capture Bibi but at this point fuck it. Make this machine eat fascists, fucken do it. Make us feel proud to be Americans, because its possible to do the right thing and save the Palestinian people. It really is.

I mean the US did their part in bombing civilians over the years. They're considered the "world police" not because they're good, but simply because nobody can challenge them.

So...we police the world the same way the "police" police Americans, with qualified immunity and military equipment? All the attacks on black and brown people abroad make a lot more sense when you take that "world police" and scale it down to domestic policing of Americans with similar skin color.

It doesn't make sense to abandon Israel from a western military point of view. They're the proxy in the war against the middle East (namely Iran) and losing that would end up harming western interests.

This whole war has never been about Palestinians, they never would have had the funds to fight Israel on their own. It's all been money funneled from Iran and other anti Israeli countries into Hamas or one of the other terrorist groups in yemen or Syria being used to attack Israel.

Google Iran Israel proxy war, I'm not making this shit up.

Always ask where the money is coming from, in every situation.

They’re the proxy in the war against the middle East (namely Iran) and losing that would end up harming western interests.

What does the US have to gain?

This whole war has never been about Palestinians, they never would have had the funds to fight Israel on their own.

And Israel would never have the funds to commit a genocide without us...

We're just bringing money because politicians get AIPAC and defense industry kickbacks in the form of donations.

They can get those donations from any industry, and most of those don't come with a fucking genocide.

What does the US have to gain? Location, pressure, denial of certain attacks (like Israel assassinating Iranian generals), being able to position nuclear weapons close to Iran, as well as distracting Iran from attacking US targets directly, among a host of other benefits. This also extends to other countries in the same vicinity.

Israel would definitely have the funds to take out Palestinians if they weren't being supported by external forces. The Palestinians are flat broke, they have no advanced industries at all. The GDP per capita for Gaza is like $900 USD a year per person, and only double that in the west bank. Israel is around $50,000. The British really turbo-charged the Israeli economy while they were in control of the area pre-1948 and the effects of that are still extremely obvious.

What does the US have to gain? Location, pressure, denial of certain attacks (like Israel assassinating Iranian generals), being able to position nuclear weapons close to Iran, as well as distracting Iran from attacking US targets directly, among a host of other benefits. This also extends to other countries in the same vicinity.

I don't see anything that requires genocide, or that another country couldn't provide... Hell, we have a LHD out there 24/7 and SSBNs are kind of our thing if it goes nuclear, they can be anywhere and don't need to be close.

Israel would definitely have the funds to take out Palestinians if they weren’t being supported by external forces.

The only thing stopping other countries from holding Israel accountable is the US. Israel can genocide helpless civilians just fine, but not everyone else who has a distaste for genocide and a grudge against Israel anyways.

So, like I was saying, Israel needs the US waaaaaay more than the US needs Israel.

Do you really think the entire western world is pissing off their citizens for fun? You really don't understand geopolitics at all. The support for Israel isn't just for shits and giggles, governments are sending them billions and have very good hidden reasons(military). The primary rule of Proxy wars is "don't talk about proxy wars" which is why the public is so mad, and the governments are going to keep supporting them anyways.

Iran has done an excellent job of sacrificing Palestinian lives to turn the PR against Israel. You think Israel want's to be killing civilians? They actually don't, it's bad for their image. Unfortunately Hamas literally sets up bases in schools, hospitals, and other civilian areas because they're literally using human shields and you're acting like Israel is just supposed to ignore them? This is how urban guerrilla warfare works. It's dirty as fuck, and there's no better options.

The only thing stopping other countries from holding Israel accountable... Yea, NO SHIT. The US is THE military superpower for the western world and they aren't willing to give up that strategic location. It's not just the US though, everyone from the UK to Canada is saying "please stop" while still sending financial support. It's a PR issue at this point for governments, but they'll keep working on the problem and keep sending money.

You act like the US has other weapons that can ignore distance but you can't just shoot everything from the other side of the globe, it's far too expensive to hit more than a handful of targets that way.

You think Israel want’s to be killing civilians?

Yes. Clearly they do

If they wanted to actually kill civilians, why is the death count such a low percentage of the population?

It would be trivial for them to be killing more, and yet they aren't.

What kind of logic is that?

We could be genociding even harder, so no one complain

It's a war, and this time Hamas started it. Should they expect no consequences for killing a thousand Israeli civilians?

Killing innocent civilians should never be a valid response to the killing of innocent civilians.

Israel absolutely had a right to respond, they don't have the right to kill thousands of non-combatants and displace 1.7 million people.


Unfortunately, this sort of over-response is how Israel reacts to the Palestinians.

"Oh, we caught you throwing rocks? Yeah, we're going to bulldoze your house."


So how many are they allowed to kill? Zero? The same number? Double? Where's the line?

Overresponse can be a great way to end wars. See historical examples such as the USA nuking Japan, the german blitzkreig, and even Ghengis khan completely wiping cities off maps.

Even on a smaller scale, like if you want someone to stop punching you in the hallway at school, beating the shit out of them frequently works to end the behaviour.

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Projecting power, we have NATO bases all over europe surrounding Russia surrounding China, for US citizens those counties having boots on the ground in a war on our soil, is laughable. That's not a mutual reality. We can be mobile and opporating in their countries in 12hrs tops. Isreal and Qutar provide that same reality in the muddle east.

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Of course they have to go out of their way to not explicitly name Israel or its military. Because then people might remember that Israel's military consists of 70% of its citizens, excluding the ones that don't have to serve because Israel is openly racist. Nobody ever seems to want to talk about how 70% of Israelis either have abused Palestine, continue to abuse Palestine, or will abuse Palestine in the future. That's like fascist government 101, make the teenagers become complicit in your crimes and they'll never vote to be punished. And because they'll never vote to be punished, we get netanyahu over and over.

“you better stop committing genocide or i’m putting this on your permanent record!”

“that’s it! double secret probation!”.

— Dean U.N… which was formed essentially to stop genocide….

To follow, a strongly worded letter.

I love the idea of the United Nations, but the reason why it's allowed to exist is that it's pretty much powerless to do anything that actually matters.
Nobody, especially the counties in the security council, would be part of it if it had any kind of power.

More power to the UN, for a democratically United world! In Sammy steps at least.

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oh no!

anyway, back to being supported by the US