RFK Jr.'s campaign filings show payments to a litany of Republicans and controversial activists, including some anti-vaxxers | CNN Politics

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics @lemmy.world – 208 points –
RFK Jr.'s campaign filings show payments to a litany of Republicans and controversial activists, including some anti-vaxxers | CNN Politics


“He’s just skeptical of giving kids too many vaccines at once. What’s wrong with questioning the FDA, which gets paid of by drug companies?”

That’s what I see most commonly

He’s a moderate Republican running as a Democrat. Absurd. This country keeps sprinting towards the right wing.

Idk if I would call him any kind of Moderate

He's clearly a radical. Listen to one of his public performances. Very, very radical ideas and ideology.

Republicans in America are fascists and extremely right-wing - so a moderate one is both of those things.

All major parties in America are right wing. So he's fascist/authoritarian friendly 100%.

I would. Sure, he has a couple conspiracy theories, like anti-vax stuff, but on most policies he’s a moderate

He's being financed and propped up by wealthy fascists. What you would, is be easy to fool.

There's nothing moderate about Kennedy, he's a full-blown MAGA far-righter. Which is why he's being laughed out of the Democratic primary, thank God.

As a foreigner, why isn't he thrown out of the party? It's what we would do.

There's no mechanism to throw him out of the party. Party membership in the US is completely informal, unlike many other countries. You're basically a member if you say you are and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

And even if there were a mechanism, the Kennedys are Democratic royalty.

Thank fuckin God. We'd have nothing left if we didn't stand up to the communists currently attempting a takeover

Gonna assume you're trolling, because when I read mega dumb comments I give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they're purposefully being obtuse. If you're not, define communism

You need like the marxists leninist maoist definings or an explanation of the modern efforts being put forth by the underlings in the party you are likely to be voting for?

I'm not going to provide either to you because you have a computer in your hand but I'm sure you can find plenty of examples that fit even your definition of it.

There are other groups to the left than ml communists. There are even other non ML communist.

Did he think no one would find that out or did he just not give a shit? I'm still confused about what the whole point of this campaign is because it doesn't seem to be achieving anything.

Weak ass attempt from republicans to siphon votes away from Biden.

I don’t understand who would give this clown the time of day

A ton of people will just see the name Kennedy and do it out of reflex. Not that even President Kennedy was a great guy. Had he gotten to serve out his whole term and possibly a second one I think he would be remembered much differently than he is now. Most of his likely scandals never came to fruition because it would be pointless trying to smear a corpse that was no longer in your way.

But a ton of low information on educated reactionary voters will see Kennedy, as not what your country can do for you etc and pull the lever thinking surely he couldn't be any worse than Biden. All the misinformation they've heard about Biden he's horrible of course right? They would do it in a heartbeat.

I read stuff like this and initially think "no, people have a vague sense of who these politicians are" and then I remember 2008 when a girl told me John McCain was the protagonist from Die Hard and refused to believe otherwise.

For the real fun and games, look up Kennedy Senior and his role in world war II.

The good news is, those morons are largely confined to the Republican party, so it shouldn't affect the outcome of the Democratic primaries at all.

Which is why I'm increasingly convinced RFK Jr's real reason for doing this is to get his name out there so he can be Trump's VP pick, so the two can claim they're a "bipartisan" "moderate" "unity" ticket. throws up

There is a very large anti vaxx community among leftists, unfortunately.

Larger than it should be? Yes. Actually large compared to their presence in the center right liberal politics? Not at all. Large in comparison to the number of antivaxers on the Republican/conservative authoritarian end? Miniscule.

Hey, he’s funded by Yemen not Repugnentcans. Citizens United is real. /s

So you’re saying a guy can’t run for office to launder money to friends and family? That’s how this whole thing works. If we stop that, the wheels come off, and it’ll be your fault. /s

He's a Bannon project. To do the same thing Jill Stein did to Hillary in 2016

How is he even being taken seriously. He's a trumpican plain and simple.

Saw some guy with a Kennedy campaign t shirt last week and i couldnt help but laugh...

It's hard not to laugh at these people. They are just so oblivious and are so proud of themselves it's pitiful.

RFK Jr 2024 🙌️ 🙌️

End the corrupt merger of state and corporate power. End the forever wars. Clean up the environment. Fund science to identify the causes of problems, not just to develop new ways to monetize treatment.

PS. An article making a big deal over the fact that he paid vendors? Thanks CNN.

The guy who you think wants to "clean up the environment" told Jordan Peterson that governments were using the climate crisis to control people. So why would he use the power of government to clean up the environment?

Also, I have no idea what you think science is, but it isn't that.

If you actually listen to him talk rather than just fishing for gotchas, you'd see he points out that the government currently operates in the name of corporations - subsidies, liability protection, use of force. This is a big part of the problem in the ongoing proliferation of fossil fuel extraction and consumption. It's not as irrational as you make it out to be, to defend personal individual rights while still directing the power of government to clean up the environment.

I was not "fishing for gotchas." I heard the discussion. He was using denialist talking points. And Peterson was even more so with no pushback from Kennedy.

No pushback? The video you linked shows him leading with the fact that global warming is real and significant. And in other videos he has expanded more on that, clearly stating that it is an existential risk.

But in this video, he said that this (real) crisis could/would be used to further totalitarian controls. That's not denial, that's "yes and".

As I mentioned, it's rational to defend personal individual rights while still directing the power of government to clean up the environment.

That's absolutely a denial. That is not the real crisis. The real crisis is the possible end of humanity due to climate change, caused by humanity.

The real crisis is the possible end of humanity due to climate change, caused by humanity.

Obviously. But you are aware that there can be multiple crises at once, and that some people may be more aware of / concerned about one than the other?

And yet RFK doesn't think the most important one is actually the most important. And uses denialist talking points. And doesn't challenge the person in the room with him when he also uses denialist talking points.

And doesn’t challenge the person in the room

You keep repeating this as if that will make it true. But you literally linked to a video where he leads by clarifying that the crisis is real in response to Peterson's rhetoric.

And yet RFK doesn’t think the most important one is actually the most important.

You're just making this up to try to put words in his mouth. This is harmful for actually finding solutions. Again, he has described it as an "existential" problem. RFK Jr is trying to address concerns, because that's necessary when people have concerns, but you'd rather pretend other concerns don't exist as if that were a way to achieve anything.

Yes, you can clarify something is real and still diminish it by using denialist talking points. It's something many of them do. I'm amazed you don't know that. Peterson himself does it all the time.

And I'm not making anything up. I listened to the words he said.

What forever wars is the US currently involved in? This sounds like a campaign slogan from 2012

Anti vaxers?! The HORROR!

How dare he defy the gods of pharma and question the will of the party.

Get out with your body autonomy bullshit. We should ban any body autonomy!