‘It’s God’s plan’: Mike Lindell intends to ‘deputize’ Trump voters for Election Day

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 104 points –
‘It’s God’s plan’: Mike Lindell intends to ‘deputize’ Trump voters for Election Day

I don't think the world is ready to deal with the type of power one would wield after being deputized by a pillow salesman.

I take it you've never been in a pillow fight with someone who has extra marital sex with their relatives.

Apparently Yahweh has nothing better to do then talk to this pillow crackhead.

Apparently Yahweh has nothing better to do then talk to this lumpy pillow crackhead.

Slight correction.

Well it's not like the Tyrant is doing anything to make the world a better place.

for some reason I recognized the name but could not place it so was thinking. is that some kind of sports broadcaster?

So the plan is to request an early ballot, then to take it to your polling place and assume the poll workers won’t follow the process and then you’ll take a picture of your early ballot to somehow own the libs? At least in PA the poll worker will just have you relinquish the unmarked early ballot and then you’ll vote as normal. If you don’t have your ballot then you vote a provisional ballot that is only counted once it’s confirmed your early ballot wasn’t returned. It’s not a hard thing and it’s well understood by poll workers on what to do.

The rules work. Our elections have a huge amount of integrity.

One time I forgot to put my address on my mail in ballot and the little old lady poll worker called me in person to confirm I was who I said I was.

Anyone attacking our elections is someone dangerously misinformed.

Cracks me up how these zealots continue to cherry pick their own Bible for the sake of fascist control.

Hey guys, lets ignore the following and never mention it again in prayer...

Matthew 7:1: "Judge not, that you be not judged".

"There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy" and "But you -- who are you to judge your neighbor?

Surely God's plan would have been for you to have been in church on Sunday instead of fomenting rebellion?

“You got Donald Trump in Detroit talking to 8,000 people at a Black church,” she told Bartiromo.

Oh, come on Kellyanne. It was right there. He didn't talk to 8,000 people. He talked to over 9,000!

I mean, if you're going to make up complete bullshit like that, have some fun with it at least.