Sinclair floods local news websites with hundreds of deceptive articles about Biden's mental fitness to politics – 410 points –
Sinclair floods local news websites with hundreds of deceptive articles about Biden's mental fitness

Conservatives keep talking about media manipulation from the left while this kind of thing goes on.

Any time (so, all the time) conservatives talk about the dangers of misinformation from left wing media, this clip should be played.

Haven't even clicked the link yet, I know what clip it is...

If only we enforced anti-trust laws...

Back in the day wed split up monopolies with those laws.

DOJ went after Sinclair like 5 years ago, but it was about price fixing with other stations because they were colluding to raise ad prices for billion dollar corporations.

And they just had to pay a settlement.

It's sucks the government acts to defend corporations but not people.

Until 1997 there were fairly strict limits over who could own what broadcast stations in given markets. Then the neoliberal bug bit everyone's ass in Congress and they passed a bipartisan bill that would let people own as many radio stations as they wanted, and way more TV stations than they should.

Suddenly every radio station became the same, and now most local news is owned by one batshit corporation.

Maybe trusting companies is a bad fucking idea.

It's sucks the government acts to defend corporations but not people.

But corporations are people too! /s

The failure of the western political class these past 30 years can be summed up as this:

If it makes a lot of money, how can it be a bad thing?

I especially love how these stations, along with Fox will make these assertions of how, “lights are on but no one’s home”, then follow it immediately with how he’s the mastermind behind political prosecutions, controlling the DoJ and executing a coordinated anti-republican regime.

Schrödinger’s Biden

Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.

Iirc, either the Colbert report or John Oliver did a story on Sinclair owned stations and how anchors were forced to read prepared stories that were obviously right leaning propaganda.

That was definitely a segment on Last Week Tonight.

and the echo of each news person as a new row of them was added to the chorus started to hurt my ears. was a great segment

I noticed an uptick in anti Biden articles across my feeds today. I thought maybe there was an event, but just before I clicked a link, I saw it was Fox News and noped the fuck out. Now I've at least got confirmation it's been a targeted attack.

The last two weeks or so it's been like a switched was flipped on the algorithms. Tiktok and X are now pushing right-wing stuff super hard.

I’m not voting Trump, but I wish there was a cap of 65 to run for office.

At what point do these kind of lies, SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO CURTAIL HIS FURTHER EMPLOYMENT begin to count as illegal?

When does it meet the New York Times v. Sullivan requirement for "actual malice"?

Sinclair is a piece of shit org.

That said, is there really any doubt that Biden is not very sharp? Countless videos of him trailing off in the middle of a sentence or whatever. Trump too, both are messes mentally and should retire imo.

Both are bumbling masses but on e of them isn't talking about murdering his political opponents, one doesn't have a plan laid out to take the us to become a theological dictatorship

I didn't ask what the lesser of two evils is. I'm not blind.

My point is, saying that Biden is losing it mentally isn't exactly a hot take.

He is mentally unfit for office. Along with trump. They are both shot the fuck out and it’s a complete joke we are required to elect one or the other.

And it's a joke that has been played on Americans since forever. There's a way out of it, but it's not easy, and you better bet your ass that BOTH parties will fight to keep the status quo. If you want change, you need to do the following things.

  1. Vote for Biden because if Trump wins, he has plans to take over.
  2. Push immediately after the election for Ranked Choice Voting.
  3. Unless and until 2 is achieved, get your guys and gals running as Democrats and vote for them in the Primaries, then vote for the Republican in the general. The GQP showed how well that works as Team Pepe is getting exactly what they want.

Oh for sure! Would be amazing if we had ranked choice, but sadly it will never happen. The deep state loves the 2 party system, they get to maintain control of both sides. Look at all these stupid fucks downvoting me too, pretending that Biden is actually a good candidate. They might even believe their own bullshit lol. Fucking losers, of course I’m voting for Biden I don’t want a shitbag wannabe dictator that trump is, but it’s insane if you think bidens a good choice. Dudes about to die, just like trump. Out of touch old fucking men with no skin in the game.

I down voted for the deep state comment and the general both sides nature of your comments.

So how do you feel about Biden now after the debate? Was that not horrible to you? Like I said before I would still vote for him to avoid trump (who just lied and refused to answer questions last night) but holy shit people we can do better.

I feel about the same about Biden as I did before. A guy driven by ego and past glory who saw an opportunity to regain the spotlight and he took it. The less cynical take is Biden actually believes he is the best candidate for the job of "saving democracy."

If I had my way we wouldn't be fielding any of these geriatric candidates, not because they lack experience or ability, but because we've already been doing their shtick for the last six decades and I'm tired of it.